Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lots of Laundry, Little Writing......

I got a little behind on the laundry; it looks like Mount Rushmore.  I have a sore throat, I’m achy, and I am missing Pilates this morning.  We’re all sick…..again. 
Here’s your word of the day, and there is a reason that I have never heard this word before….because it doesn't exist. HA!  I crack myself up. 
uxorious \uk-SOR-ee-us; ug-ZOR-\, adjective:
Excessively fond of or submissive to a wife.


  1. Great word of the day! I like it :) Hope you feel better soon. I just got over the flu myself.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Get better sweetie! I'msure Don will take care of you since he's so uxorious!

  4. OK.... so the only reason I deleted my first comment is because I'm typing one-handed and I typed Dom instead of Don. Amelie and I are watching Snow White and she's scared of the witch so she's on my lap now instead of the "puder" (as Amie says!)
