Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I’ve been sick and I decided that I needed something to watch on Netflix.  I realize that I am the last person on Earth who probably has never seen “Lost” but I don’t give in to hype, and there was a lot of hype about this show.  There was so much hype about it when it was on air I was like “Ughhhh, shut up about Lost!  How good can it be?” I never watched a lot of TV anyway and don’t like coming in late to a show.   I also thought that they would run out of things to write, didn’t understand how they’d bring in new characters, etc.  I understand now that it truly is a great show and that this is not your average atoll!  I am hooked!  I am addicted!  And I know absolutely nothing about it, so those of you who have seen it all the way through, don’t tell me anything.  I think that the thing I like about it is that they are both literally and metaphorically lost.  They’re lost geographically, but they are all “lost” in their lives, lost people.  They were all on the plane for some strange reason that caused them personal pain and somehow wound up all together.  Either that’s a coincidence, or that’s how it would really be.  Maybe we all have things going on in our lives that could be TV material?  Hopefully not.  There are also a lot of religious undertones in the show too that I like picking out.  It’s very well-written and I am surprised that I like it so much.  (7 years later.) What a loser I am.  Get with the program, Brittany!
There isn’t much to report except that Claire just came back and they killed the psycho in the jungle.  Sorry about the lack of personal experiences; watching TV is the only thing I did yesterday!  Oh, and I am starting to feel better.  Thank you for all of the "get better" emails!
Here’s the word of the day:
factotum \fak-TOH-tuhm\, noun:
A person employed to do all kinds of work or business.

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen it and have thought the very same thing...okay, I'll watch it.
