Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

I am really exhausted this morning so I will keep this short.  We had a great weekend with Peyton.  We went to Fuddrucker’s for my father-in-law’s birthday on Saturday, went to the park and took a nice walk, and just hung around the house the majority of the time.  Lindsey went to the ballet with her Uncle Bill, furthering her desire to become a ballerina.  She told me this morning that there’s nothing she wants more. 
Yesterday I actually took a nap and it was awesome!  I never take naps unless I’m sick!  It was strange though waking up and realizing that I had slept for two whole hours and not been uninterrupted—that doesn’t even happen at night!  I felt confused about what time it was and I pretty much had to leave to take Peyton back to Birmingham as soon as I woke up.  I made decent time last night, but I am still tired this morning.    
I hope that everyone has a great Valentine’s Day.  Lindsey is excited because she is getting a haircut after school; she wants face-framing layers.  She wants wispy pieces to fall when she has a ponytail, like her mommy.  As for the rest of the day, I’ll probably go to dinner with Don and I got the movie “Valentine’s Day” on Netflix and plan on watching it at some point.  Once I send this movie back I am returning to 90210; I left off on Season 6.  Of course I’ve seen all of them, but never in order.  I was a kid and had to go to bed and had to cheer some nights—that was before TiVo.  I’m trying to see every single episode!
For anyone interested in what Valentine’s Day is all about and does not know, here’s the link to Wikipedia:
inveigle \in-VAY-guhl; -VEE-\, transitive verb:
1. To persuade by ingenuity or flattery; to entice.
2. To obtain by ingenuity or flattery.


  1. And people think it's a Hallmark invention! Shame on them. Happy St. Valentine's Day sweetie. Sorry the package is still sitting on my desk. Love, Mom

  2. I watched Valentine's Day too...what an awful movie. It was totally trying to copy Love Actually, but it was actually way too lame!
