Saturday, February 12, 2011

Father/Daughter Dance

Last night Lindsey had her Father/Daughter Valentine’s dance; this was her first year in Girl Scouts so they didn’t know what to expect, but they had a great time.  The theme was “A Night in Paris”.  They danced, had refreshments and they got their picture taken together.  Lindsey said that they missed a lot of good songs because they were in line waiting to be drawn, for about an hour.  We paid extra for a sketch artist to draw them so they thought I would get mad if they didn’t get it; the picture turned out really cute, more caricature than a realistic sketch, but really adorable and I’m glad that they waited.  Lindsey was joined to her daddy’s hip once they got home, so I can tell they had a great time.  She was thanking him for taking her and he looked happy that he got the chance to spend some time with her by herself.  That time is really important to kids. Peyton got here last night and it looks like he grew….again.  I wish he would slow down!  I think I’m still about a half-inch taller than he is, but maybe not at this point.  I plan on measuring all of the kids this weekend on the door jam. 
Tonight Lindsey is going to the ballet with her Uncle Bill; they are seeing Sleeping Beauty.  I was with him a couple of nights ago and he said that he didn’t remember the story, so I filled him in on Princess Aurora and the fairy godmothers.  Lindsey has a busy weekend.  The boys and I will probably just hang out around the house, go to the park since it’s supposed to be beautiful, and I will maybe do some chores.  I am definitely doing some cardio this morning since I missed the gym yesterday.  I begin to feel like a caged animal if I don’t work out.  I guess that is a good thing.  The boys (little ones) have been sick the last couple of days. 
Have a great Saturday!  Here's today's word:
risible \RIZ-uh-buhl\, adjective:
1. Capable of laughing; disposed to laugh.
2. Exciting or provoking laughter; worthy of laughter; laughable; amusing.
3. Relating to, connected with, or used in laughter; as, "risible muscles."

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