Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bucket List

I made a bucket list a couple of years ago.  Number 82 is “Shout a profanity in a public, quiet place.”  I don’t know where this started, but I think it was when I was a little girl.  I used to think “What if I yelled this right now?”  It was usually in class when it was extremely quiet or at the library.  Personally, I think that everyone thinks this and I am not unique…...right?  Today at the gym I was on the elliptical and “Stayin’ Alive” came on.  I thought to myself “What would happen if I squealed the Bee Gees right now?”  I think that screeching “Stayin’ aliiiiiiiiiive” at the gym would be equally profane and I could have crossed it off my list, but I passed for reason of sanity.
Just for fun, I have decided to post my bucket list.  It’s long and mostly ridiculous, but for those of you who are interested and read it, I hope it inspires you to make one yourselves.  Reading it makes me think of the things that I have accomplished and experienced up to this point and that’s why the list is so ridiculous—that’s a good thing.  The truth is, I could do none of these things and I would be happy if God took me today.  Well, I hope that he doesn’t for many reasons, but I would die a happy person who felt fulfilled. 

Here's the word of the day:

lucubration \loo-kyoo-BRAY-shun; loo-kuh-\, noun:
1. The act of studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation.
2. That which is composed by night; that which is produced by meditation in retirement; hence (loosely) any literary composition.

Brittany's Bucket List
1)  Travel through Italy
2)   Learn Italian
3)   Take more Art History courses, for fun
4)   Read all of the books on my list, "1001 books to read before I die"
5)   Learn how to play tennis
6)   Take a trip with Lindsey to Paris
7)   Go on a missionary trip
8)   Become a grandma
9)   Publish at least one children's book
10)  Learn French
11)  Learn how to garden
12)  Go to England and France
13)  Have a beer in Ireland
14)  Learn about antiques
15)  Explore Georgia
16)  Publish a novel or screenplay
17) Play the violin again
18) Take piano lessons
19) Read the Bible front to back
20) Teach my kids to love God, Send them to college (This is a big one!)
21) Learn how to cook Asian food
22) Visit Napa valley
23) Kiss a Greek statue
24) Own a golden retriever named Brinkley
25) Stay married until the day I die……Lindsey, you can check this one off for me.
26) Go camping with the kids in the mountains
27) Eat Japanese food in Japan and feel tall for once in my life
28) Open a boutique or children's book store
29) Swim with dolphins
30) Take a dance class with don
31) Visit the Louvre
32) Have a caricature done of me and the family
33) Organize all of my favorite photos in big leather bound photo books
34) Spread a rumor about a celebrity and see if it comes back to me
35) Take a pebble from the coliseum
36) Learn how to read music
37) Take a photography class
38) Take an art class
39) Take a cruise
40) Have a picnic in the Alps
41) Watch every episode of Sex and the City in order
42) Host thanksgiving dinner, make the turkey
43) Collect the rest of our wedding china
44) Plant a Chenault family tree in the backyard
45) Dance in a fountain
46) See an opera
47) This one is private.  Heehee.
48) Collect tea pots
49) Work for a NPO
50) Own a wine cellar
51)  Start a blog
52) Donate my hair to Locks of Love
53) Ride in a car going over 100 mph
54) Plant my own sunflowers
55) Visit the bars in Nashville
56) Make giant scrapbooks for the kids when they graduate from high school
57) Take a French cooking class
58) Journal for at least one year straight
59) Two words: French Polynesia
60) ONE time (at least) have all of my siblings in one place with me
61) Raise money for a cancer walk
62) Hike a mountain, small one is fine
63) Go rock climbing again
64) Take Lindsey to see the Rockettes
65) Take Lindsey to the ballet
66) Go to New Orleans
67) Try caviar….I just threw up in my mouth
68) Start a family tradition
69) Blindfold don, take him somewhere cool
70) Tour a castle
71)     Read “Moby Dick”-also coincides with the reading list
72)     Buy a star for each of the kids (Have for the babies)
73)     See the 7 wonders of the world
74)     Become a librarian when I’m old
75)     See the Northern lights
76)     Take an etiquette class with Lindsey
77)      Set Bill up with his soul mate
78)      Knit a scarf
79)      Make Libbie’s cheesecake for Libbie
80)      Pay off our house (or a future house)
81)      Start my own NPO
82)      Shout a profanity in a quiet, public place
83)      Dress up as a cowgirl
84)      Take Salsa dancing lessons
85)       Drive over the London Bridge
86)      Climb the Eiffel Tower
87)       Visit the Margaret Mitchell house
88)       Swim in Mykonos
89)       Live in another country for a summer
90)       Do something helpful for five people anonymously
91)       Learn sign language
92)       Understand Einstein’s Theory of Relativity
93)       Visit a concentration camp
94)       Take the kids to DC
95)       Donate to my favorite charity
96)       Rock babies who are addicted to crack
97)       Coach Lindsey’s cheerleading squad
98)       Volunteer to be Team Mom each of the boys’ football teams
99)       Be ROOM mom for each of the kids at least one year
100)    go canoeing
101)    write a letter to each of my children and Don expressing how important they are to me, should anything happen to me
102)    See U2, Coldplay, the Stones, and Aerosmith in concert
103)    Work as a reporter


  1. It was really good to read your list again and to be inspired once again by it. Keep checking things off.

    #82 reminded me of Ty when he was about 10. He and I were coming back from Indiana and just as we were driving through downtown Chicago, he told me he had been wanting to say "that bad word about female dogs" out loud . . . just to see how it felt. So I gave him permission and he sat there and said it out loud about 10 times in a row. Every time he said it, he giggled and turned red. Then I asked him how it felt and he said he didn't think he had to say it anymore. Of course, we had a big conversation about why he shouldn't use that word but I was laughing inside at how adorable he was. I'm pretty sure that wasn't the last time he said it, but I was glad the first time he said it was with me.

  2. Gerg says don't forget to put your copyright notice on. Look at mine for the verbage.

  3. Britt in reference to #82, You already did were 16, I was 14, Shane was driving and mandy was in the front seat I think. you, tyson and I were all in the back seat...I distinctly remember you yelling "GET A TOUPé, asshole!!" at some poor biker!!
