Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dodgeball Monstrosity

Lindsey came home yesterday and said that three 4th grade classes competed in a dodgeball competition and that she won; she was the last one standing!  I couldn’t believe it!  It’s pretty amazing that I of all people have raised such a tough little girl, considering that I was ridiculously terrible at any sport that required the use of a ball.  I was the girl who was afraid of the ball—you get the picture.  And those of you who have known me for a long time, or my whole life; well I’ve already said more than I needed to.  You witnessed it.  Dancing and cheerleading were my forte.  The cool thing about Lindsey is that she’s a beautiful dancer and a great cheerleader, but she can hang with the guys and not get run over.  She’s very tough.  She went to work with her granddaddy and she beat an 11-year-old boy at arm wrestling.  His dad was very upset, especially when he heard that she was only nine.  I guess she’s gotten that tough streak from having brothers and it has less to do with anything that I have done.  I’ve always said that I would be lost with a tomboy for a daughter, but she’s perfect.  She’s a strong little girlie-girl!  Everyone always says “Oh, that’s great!  She has all of these brothers to take care of her!”  I chuckle and say “Lindsey can take care of herself…and them.”

I was originally going somewhere with this dodgeball story and got off track.  I was really proud of Lindsey, but I was shocked to hear that they aren’t allowed to use rubber balls anymore.  I may have been good at dodgeball had we played with the whiny mama’s boy rules!  They use FOAM balls and have to ROLL or gently toss the ball.  They are only allowed to hit the knee or below.  What is this monstrosity?  No spiking?  No huge red welts on the side of their faces?  Are you kidding me?  What whiny little kid made this a reality?  I’d like to know what over-bearing mother made this possible!  All I can say is WOW.  Things have really changed since I sucked at dodgeball.
Last night we had tacos, Logan was still hungry….big surprise.  He’s eating everything I put into the pantry lately.  He’s going through a growth spurt.  (I hate that expression, growth spurt.  It’s really a hideous phrase and no one can sound attractive saying the word “spurt.”) 
After the babies dunked their heads in applesauce and smeared macaroni into their pants they got a bath, Carson peed on the carpet because I didn’t get a diaper on him soon enough and Dylan pushed the poor kitty cat into the bathwater which was slowly draining out.  I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time.  Chipper was standing on the side of the tub minding his own business and Dylan just pushed him!  Chipper looked like a drowning rat while clawing the slippery side of the tub trying to get out, I am laughing and saying “No, Dylan!  Hahahahaha!  Why did you do that?  HAHAHAHA!”  Poor Chipper.  I really love this cat, but it was so funny because Dylan throws anything and everything into the tub if it has water in it.  But a cat?  That was a first.  A couple of months ago I was getting Carson dried off and had started to drain the bath water.  Dylan ran to his daddy’s phone and the remote control and threw them into the tub, and with such intention.  It was like he knew that they weren’t supposed to be under water and he was just curious to see what would happen.  Luckily most of the water had drained out and they were fine.  He’s a handful, that’s for sure!  Carson looks at him daily and says “No, no, no, no!” while shaking his finger. 
There is never a dull moment in our house.  I can’t imagine what would happen if we got a dog. 
I've decided to post my word of the day here at the end of every post.  I signed up like two years ago at  You'll discover, as I have, that there's a reason that we don't use most words.....they're stupid.  But some words are funny and useful!  Here's the first:

elide \ih-LAHYD\, verb:
1. To suppress; omit; ignore; pass over.
2. To omit (a vowel, consonant, or syllable) in pronunciation.
3. In law, to annul or quash.

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