Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Hate the Grocery Store!

I woke up this morning and did the usual Sunday thing—went downstairs, made breakfast for the fam, had coffee, and then got everyone ready for church.  We made it to church ON TIME this morning; we only had to start getting ready two and a half hours before it started!  When we got home I attempted to put the boys down for a nap, but it wasn’t happening.  The only reason that they ended up napping was because I laid down with them….in my bed.  Once they woke up we had a snack and headed off to the grocery store. 
I despise the grocery store, at least today I do.  Today I was reminded of how awful grocery shopping was with Logan and Lindsey and now that the boys are almost two I think that I will attempt to leave them home from now on.  When Logan and Lindsey were little the grocery stores didn’t have the double seated carts with the cute little steering wheels.  They had normal carts and my only option when they were infants was to pull the cart and push the double stroller or not go at all.  Usually I chose the latter.  When they were toddlers I would bury one of them in the cart with groceries and the other sat in the seat where normal people put their purses.  It was still a nightmare because Logan or Lindsey would toss the groceries out, open the packages and eat the contents, and they usually screamed the entire time and I knew that the whole store wanted to strangle them. 
Shopping with Carson and Dylan has been so much better than it was with Logan and Lindsey.  In fact, they have been absolute angels until just recently.  Today was a nightmare and I stood in the pasta aisle debating whether to leave some poor soul to put my basket of groceries away while I fled the scene.   You see, Carson and Dylan do something that the older twins never did.  They climb out of everything.  It doesn’t seem to matter how tight the buckle is, they can find a way out.  So picture this for a moment…..Lindsey (my cart pusher) has to go to the bathroom.  I tell her to go while I shop down the pasta aisle.  By the time she gets back both boys are screaming at the top of their lungs, standing in the cart, yelling “Mama” and holding their arms out for me to hold them both.  I had tried to put Dylan in the basket and he ended up throwing groceries out of the cart and as soon as I had to pick Carson up because he was so loud, I guess Dylan didn’t want to be left out.  I kept trying to make them sit and tried buckling them, but they got louder and louder.  There was a man giving me dirty looks by the canned tomatoes and had I not been to church this morning I probably would have retaliated with some comment about how men suck and they couldn’t handle what I do on a daily basis…..glad I went to church.  When Lindsey got back we ran to the cookie aisle and opened a package of cookies to shut them up.  I still ended up carrying Carson the entire time, but it wasn’t bad because Lindsey pushed the cart and Dylan was happy with the treats we were bribing him with.  I know that’s bad, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. 
I love my sweet little baby boys and I love being with them so much every day, but I will be honest…..I could never have another set.  I would probably end up in a psych ward!  In fact, this is probably not even written very well and probably hard to understand, but I am brain-fried at this point. 

malinger \muh-LING-guhr\, intransitive verb:
To feign or exaggerate illness or inability in order to avoid duty or work.

1 comment:

  1. I feel/remember your pain! Pushing a cart with you and groceries and pulling a cart with Ty and Ash was always a nightmare too! I always wondered why grocery stores didn't have a little drop off/play room so mom's could shop in peace. I would have gone to that store every time. I think the dirty looks guy deserved a can of tomatoes to the head! He should have been asking you if he could have helped you. Glad you had Lindsey - she's such a good little helper!
