Monday, February 21, 2011

Feminism Explained

My sister-in-law sent me something funny last week and I wanted to post it immediately, but I realized that I would have too much to say about it and I haven’t had sufficient time to dedicate to jotting down my thoughts on the matter.  Now I realize that having no time is the perfect time to post the link because I am so limited on time.  To all of those women out there claiming to care about other women, the same ones who slam women (me) for staying at home, the ones out there that make themselves feel better by believing that I “do nothing” and “eat bonbons” all day…..this is for you.  I’m sorry that the feminist movement isn’t what it should be, a movement to allow women to decide what’s best for them and their family.  I’m sorry that it isn’t what they say it is, because I have been on both sides.  I have been a working mother and now I stay at home with my kids and I judge no one for what they choose to do because it’s their personal decision and neither decision makes a woman unfit.  (Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?)  When I was in school full-time and worked the women who stayed at home felt sorry for my kids, which is ridiculous and judgmental.   Now that I’m home I have certain friends who make snide comments about me staying at home and think that I don’t notice that they are trying to put me down.  Why are women always tearing each other apart?  Being vicious to someone else doesn’t make you any happier, so why do women do it?  I know a lot of men who are bigger supporters of women than most women.  To all of the mothers out there working, I am right behind you.  It is hard balancing work and family and I admire the work you do every day.  The truth is, everything is a trade-off.  There are pros and cons to working and pros and cons to staying at home.  Women who have jobs struggle in ways that women who stay at home don’t, and vice versa.  We should all respect each other and support each other. 
Like I said, I am limited on time.  I have to get back to my soap operas.  Ok, I’ll try not being a smartass.    
Here’s the link.  I focused more on what makes me angry, I didn't talk about everything in this little video.  You can agree or disagree with it, I thought it was funny: 

Word of the Day

inkhorn \INK-horn\, adjective:
1. Affectedly or ostentatiously learned; pedantic.
1. A small bottle of horn or other material formerly used for holding ink.

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