Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Secondhand Food, Not the Same as Clothes

I know that everyone has probably already heard about Alicia Silverstone chewing her food and feeding her baby from her mouth, but I have to weigh in on that because I am a mother. Here's my opinion.....that is so gross, Alicia Silverstone.  I love your vegan cookbook and a lot of what you say about food is intriguing, but this is just nasty!  Your kid loves you, but that's a boundary that you just shouldn't cross.

There aren't any health benefits to feeding your child this way, there are only risks.  There are germs in an adult mouth that your baby shouldn't be exposed to, and wouldn't be, if you were feeding him with a spoon!  It's just bizarre; utterly bizarre.  Silverstone says that a lot of the world feeds their kids this way.....uh, and your point is?  There still aren't any benefits.  The "everybody's doing it" argument doesn't work here because seriously, what is she going to do when her child gets made fun of for trying to attack someone's face while they are chewing?  Ahhh, well, she'll probably find some strange school that no one has ever heard of where they talk to trees and eat goat crap because it's high in iron.  Her poor kid will be among other weird kids. 

I really don't care what she does with her child and I am not passionate about the issue; I just had to make fun of her for a second. 

Here's the Word of the Day:

luxate \LUHK-seyt\, verb:
To put out of joint; dislocate.

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