Friday, March 30, 2012

Flashback Friday-The Skating Rink

Remember the summers when all you did is swim until your eyes were clouded with chlorine and go to the skating rink?  I almost always had a crush on a boy when I went skating.  Didn't every little girl?  Remember, they'd play a slow song and everyone would hold hands?  Remember when holding someone's hand was such a big deal?  It was to me anyway.  Then there are some like my friend who lost his virginity at a skating kids don't really go to skate night very often. 

First comes the skating rink, then dances.....ahhhh, dances.  I loved dances in middle school....unless you're dancing to "American Pie" with someone that grosses you out.  That song is like 11 minutes long!  I haven't forgotten that unbearable 11 minutes from when I was 12.

You know what have to be a couple of the best love songs from the early 90's?  End of the Road and Forever My Lady.  That's right, Kellie.  I know you're at work.  Click the links below and crank up your computer monitor like I know you're going to.  No one can hear you; sing as loud as you want!  Who am I kidding; they are probably programmed on your Pandora channel. 

This song is so good, I may have already written about it being awesome.  I can't remember.  It's so sweet.  When I can't sleep at night without holding you tight.....awwwwww!

Have a great day!  Here's your Word.  Like you didn't know this one:

fugitive \FYOO-ji-tiv\, adjective:
1. Fleeting, transitory, elusive.
2. Having taken flight, or run away.
3. Changing color as a result of exposure to light and chemical substances present in the atmosphere, in other pigments, or in the medium.
4. Dealing with subjects of passing interest, as writings; ephemeral.
5. Wandering, roving, or vagabond.

1 comment:

  1. JODECI!!! Awww yeeeah...nothing quite like a 90's slow jam. So good!
