Friday, April 22, 2011

Updates and Really Clean Diapers......

Good news to report today!  Carson was checked out by his doctor yesterday and everything looks great!  He is allowed to “resume normal activity” but no rough play.  So I guess to rephrase it, he can sort of resume normal activity.  I saw the incision for the first time and although I cried, it did look good.   It looked like it was healing well, but seeing it was a reminder to me that my baby was operated on and that he was in pain at some point.  The nurse told me that Carson is famous at the office for being their best patient.  She said that they can’t believe how chill he is in the office; he just lets them do what they need to do.  Then of course when they heard that he didn’t even attempt to walk on it and didn’t throw a fit about it, well it’s flat-out unbelievable.  I’m so proud of him.  He’s so smart and obedient.  Carson was the happiest yesterday that he’s been in two weeks.  He was smiling all day and he was so excited to play with his toys.  I bought him a gigantic bouncy ball and told him that it was for being such a tough and patient guy.

Lindsey had to try out for the talent show yesterday; she made it.  I think that everyone makes it as long as their acts are appropriate.  She said that at first she was nervous, but that her nerves calmed as soon as she began to sing.  She was really happy. 

That weirdo, you know, the one that’s shopping for bodies to put on ice?  I’m just kidding; I don’t know that for sure.  Anyway, he was in my yoga class this morning in jeans and a polo.  He actually stayed the entire class, but he doesn’t have a membership?  He’s so scary!  Then when I was leaving he was right behind me and I went in to get the kids from the daycare center and he was lingering around the counter looking over at me.  I wouldn’t leave the center until I saw that he was gone. I’m not kidding, he is so creepy!  I didn’t want him to see my kids, so I just took a long time getting them.  I know he’s not after me, but he’s still giving me the creeps!

Dylan had his first real time-out today at lunch.  He likes to throw his food on the floor and he knows better.  Usually I make him pick it back up, but today he looked at me before he threw it and I told him not to do it.  He did it, so he sat in the chair.  I couldn’t believe that it just took a few times of putting him back into the chair for him to stay there.  He cried and yelled “Mama” the whole time.  Then I told him to pick up the fruit.  He wouldn’t, so back to the chair he went.  Finally, he learned that I meant business.  It’s a hard punishment to master as a mother of twins because while you’re supposed to be consistently putting one child into the chair, you’re chasing the other.  Today Carson wasn’t running around, but he was climbing up into the Chair of Shame too! 

Tonight I’m taking Lindsey to see “The Secret Garden.”  Her good friend, Henry, is playing the little boy in the wheelchair.  She’s talked about this little boy all year and I've thought that he was just a good friend, but I am starting to think that she might have a crush on him.  If she does, well, it makes me feel good that she likes such a nice little boy and isn’t into the bad boys.  I know it’s hard to believe, but there are bad ones in 4th grade.  I have been hearing about them all year.  The boys call each other “bitches” already.  Isn’t that crazy?  Logan told me that there was a little argument the other day and one boy said to another “Whatcha gonna do about it, you little bitch?”  Wow is about all I can say. 

I threw some clothes in the washer throughout the day yesterday and didn’t actually start the washer until last night.  Today when I went to get the wet clothes out to throw them into the dryer there were two USED diapers mixed in with the clothes!  Luckily they were just wet diapers, not dirty ones.  But the most amazing part, other than how they got there in the first place, is that they were totally in tact.  They were fluffy and huge, but in tact!  The only thing that I can figure is that one of the boys picked them up to throw them into the trash and instead threw them into the washing machine; I do usually keep the lid up.  They like to throw their garbage away and put their worn clothes in the hamper.  Don’t worry, I threw the diapers away and then rewashed the clothes! 

Actually, you know what else I found today?  I was getting something out of one of my drawers and I found the boys’ dirty clothes stuffed on top.  I know that it was Dylan because he took his and Carson’s clothes to the basket last night….they just didn’t make it.  Kids make life so funny!  As I write this, Carson has taken his pants off and is trying to put a pair of shorts on.  So cute.

I hope that everyone as a great Easter weekend.  Personally, it’s my favorite religious holiday.  It screams “new beginnings” way more for me than New Years does.  (Not that New Years is a religious holiday, you know what I mean.)  I sort of make religious resolutions at Easter.  I don't plan it that way, it just seems to always happen.  I always watch “The Passion of the Christ” because it helps me to remember what Jesus did for me and it always makes me want to be a better person.  Last year I let Peyton and Logan watch it with me because I knew that they were ready.  This year Lindsey wants to watch it, and although it’s the one rated R movie that I think is acceptable, I have some reservations about Lindsey watching it.  Then again if she is asking and says she’s ready, maybe God wants me to let her.  I am going to let her watch it, but I am going to warn her ahead of time and tell her that if it gets to be too much that she can leave at any time.  I can barely get through it and I cry the whole time; I’m not sure if I could have handled it at Lindsey’s age.  However, maybe I would have been a better kid had I really understood why it was important to TRY to be a good person, and more importantly, feel remorse and ask for forgiveness.  Anyway, I hope that everyone has a great Easter weekend!  Ours was going to be awesome; Peyton was supposed to come.  He has strep throat and I didn't end up getting him yesterday, so we're all sad about that.  Something always seems to pop up when it's time for us to get him, not sure why.  We'll still have a good weekend; but it's never complete without him. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

homunculus \huh-MUHNG-kyuh-luhs\, noun:
1. An artificially made miniature person or creature, supposedly produced in a flask by an alchemist.
2. A fully formed, miniature human body believed, according to some medical theories of the 16th and 17th centuries, to be contained in the spermatozoon.
3. A diminutive human being.
4. The human fetus.

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