Friday, August 12, 2011

Much Better Day.......

Yesterday was so much better than Wednesday.  Lindsey had dance, but I cooked dinner while she was gone and I wasn't rushed to get her there or pick her up.  I finished the hair bows for Jamboree, and I played "airplane" and "rocketship" with the boys last night.  They love it.  They choose which one, then they count (gotta throw some counting in) and then they either take off down the runway, or blast off into space.  Dylan prefers the plane, Carson always shoots off in the rocketship because he loves to shout "Blast Off".  They both love to crash, of course.  You know the's where you balance on your mom's feet in the air and then sometimes get a surge of courage and fling your arms out so they can be your "wings"?    Even though it's severe discomfort on your vital organs, it's still awesome.  Remember the game?  Carson and Dylan don't like to take turns and occasionally try to "crash" the other one, but they have learned that they lose their turn if they do that.  Sharing and taking turns has to be the most difficult thing we are learning right now.  And I understand why!  Taking turns and sharing sucks!  I kid, I kid. 

After we were finished playing "airplane and rocketship" we made brownies.  (Don and Logan were outside playing football.)  Lindsey put her apron on Carson because he wanted to help me.  Here's a picture of him whacking around the wooden spoon (without batter, thankfully.)  He poured the ingredients into the bowl and stirred for me.

While the brownies were baking, we read some books and Lindsey played on the computer.  After we read books, we took our time getting ready for bed.  I appreciated the calm evening as opposed the chaotic disaster that was the night before.  And the brownies were delicious!

Here's a picture of the hair bows:

Here's the Word of the Day, and I hate this word and you'll never catch me using it.  The definition is disgusting:

mundify \MUHN-duh-fahy\, verb:

To purge or purify.

By the way, I have been singing "Rocket Man" since last night.  It's stuck in my head and I can't get it out!  Good thing it's an awesome song!  And I think it's gonna be a long, long time til touch down brings me round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home, OH no, oh no, I'm a Rocket Man!  Elton is awesome.  Sometimes when I can't think of any lullabies to sing to the boys or I get tired of singing "Baby Mine", I sing a little Elton John.  My kids know all of the old's cool. 

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