Monday, August 29, 2011

Jury Duty

Don has jury duty today.  Everyone gets jury duty but me!  And no one ever wants to go, but I actually do want to go!  They never pick me!   I think that I want to go because I am so opinionated, which is why maybe I would make a terrible juror.  Or maybe that would make a good one?

flounce \FLOUNS\, verb:

1. To go with impatient, exaggerated movements.

1. A strip of material gathered or pleated and attached at one edge, with the other edge left loose or hanging

1. To throw the body about spasmodically.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Don to let them know you want to serve and I'll bet they put your name in the box! I heard he got picked. Once your name gets in the box it's hard to get it out!!
