Monday, August 1, 2011

Back to School!

Back to school, back to school to prove to dad that I’m not a fool!  I got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight; I hope I don’t get in a fight!  Remember that from “Billy Madison”?  I was singing that to myself this morning while I watched the kids get on the bus at 6:47 am!!!  Can you believe how early they leave?  The alarms started going off at 5:45 and I jumped right out of bed.  I’m pretty proud of myself; I didn’t hit snooze.  I got everyone out of the house in a timely manner.  They were all fed, clothed and had smiles on their faces, which is a bonus!   Don woke Dylan up before he left because if he doesn’t, Dylan cries for 20 minutes while he walks around the house looking for him.  Anyway, he ate and got dressed while I got ready for the gym and made my bed.  At 7:40 I woke Carson, fed him and dressed him and we were at the gym by 8:15.  I ran a couple of errands after my work out and now I am home talking to you! 

Logan was drafted for his football team yesterday and practice starts tonight.  He is on the same team with one of his best friends—I’m really excited because this little boy is my favorite kid that doesn’t share my DNA.  He is the sweetest, smartest, most polite, funniest little kid.  He’s adorable and I love him hanging out with Logan.  His dad and Don are friends, so Don is also happy that they are on the same team.  Anyway, they will practice Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.  I am pretty sure that Lindsey starts cheerleading practice tomorrow evening.  The cheerleaders practice Tuesdays and Thursdays for a month or so and then it cuts back to once a week after they have learned their cheers and dances.  Games are Saturdays, but I’m not sure when our first one is.  Needless to say, we’re about to be busy again.  OH!  And Lindsey dances three times a week, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays…..the total time is around 4 hours.   She goes to dance and then straight to cheerleading.  If anyone has really good protein-rich recipes and healthy run-out-the-door snacks, post them for me!  I always need ideas. 
As for the rest of the day, it's pretty typical.  I hope your day is wonderful! I have to sign off because the trash truck is here and the boys love watching out the window. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

melismatic \mi-liz-MA-tik\, adjective:

Characterized by the singing of several notes to one syllable of text, for emotional impact, as in blues and other musical styles.

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