Sunday, August 14, 2011

Ahhhh, Sundays....

I am so thankful for today because we don't have to shuffle the kids around from place to place.  I am staying home, cleaning, and doing the laundry in my pajamas.  I will probably go to the gym later, but that's it. 

Yesterday was hot and miserable and I ended up with nausea and a headache, but it was fun and the kids did a great job.  Logan got injured several times and continued playing; he refused to get out of the game.....coaches love that.  He started on offense and defense.  He played fullback, safety, cornerback, and left and right outside linebacker.  The girls did a great job cheering, too.  Below is a picture of Lindsey at the game, and then one from Chili's.  I don't have any of Logan because I couldn't ever get him to stay still long enough for a picture.

Katie, Lexi, Lindsey, and Hannah

When we got home and showered, Lindsey and I decided to go on a date.  We ate at Chili's and then we went to see "The Help".  It was a very good adaptation of the book because the only things that they cut out or changed weren't crucial and didn't change the story.  Actually, I thought that there were a few scenes that were better in the movie because of the slight changes made; it's pretty rare that I say that.  I usually hate movies based on books because they are usually so different than the book.  I cried at the end, Lindsey cried a few times; it was a good movie.  It was also a great way for Lindsey to learn about the 60's.  She didn't know about the KKK and JFK being killed,  so it was a good way to get her interested in history. 

No Word of the Day today, I think that I must have deleted it on accident.

1 comment:

  1. Joan and I went. We both cried too. I hate Hilly more after seeing the movie but I think she got hers more in the movie than the book - I liked that. Sarah's Key is a must see. Gerg and I sat in the theater for about 10 minutes - just sitting. Kristen Scott Thomas is amazing - we saw her on Broadway and fell in love with her acting. I ordered the book last night. Can't wait to read it.
