Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Geniuses

A few days ago I was drying my hair and Carson disappeared into the bathroom and closed the door.  I went in to check on him and he had taken off his shorts and diaper and was sitting on the potty with a few squares of toilet paper.  It was so adorable, considering the fact that I haven’t pushed potty training or talked about it much.  He didn’t go to the bathroom, but I still made a big deal about it because he tried.  Dylan looked very curious, but wasn’t ready to try.
Dylan came to me last night and said that he had to “pee”.  I took his diaper off and sat him on the potty.  Sure enough, he went!  We were cheering for him and making a big deal about it and he was the most excited and proud that I have ever seen him.  He was running around, spinning in circles, laughing….it was adorable.  Carson didn’t like it at all.  He was very upset that he hadn’t gone too.  He tried a little later, but he didn’t go. 
I’m really not “potty training” because they just turned 2.  I will start toying with the idea, but I am not pushing it down their throats.  We’ll just see what happens.  I shouldn't push them too much; I don't want them to resent the fact that they're geniuses.  Heehee. 
Here’s a picture of my adorable sister, Ashli, on graduation day.  (She’s the crazy of the two on the right, haha.  Just kidding, Ash!)  Your Word of the Day is below the picture.  Have a great Tuesday!

prink \PRINGK\, transitive verb:
1. To dress up; to deck for show.


  1. Haha I'm kind of prinking in my picture :)

    My nephews certainly are geniuses! I'm in awe of them. Love you, give them kisses from Auntie Shie Shie xoxo

  2. She was kind of prinking all day - totally appropriate! Doesn't she have a beautiful hood!
