Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Moving Forward and Enjoying the Moment

Yesterday was not a great morning because everyone was very tired from not getting enough sleep; we got back from Birmingham pretty late.  Lindsey had a stomach ache and stayed home from school and Logan went in late.  I think that they both ate too much junk at the movies and in the car.  Last night we made a delicious dinner for Don and a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting—he loves anything with cream cheese.  I think that he had a pretty good birthday!  We gave him his presents and he seemed very happy. 

This morning I have to take Lindsey to school for her last Music Makers practice.  The last Willy Wonka performance is tonight and tomorrow morning they are having a party to celebrate the end of the year and all of their hard work.  The kids only have this week and next week and then they are FIFTH graders!  They are growing up way too quickly.  I don’t know where the time has gone.  It doesn’t seem that long ago that Logan only liked one thing, Spiderman, and used to say “spida mannnnnn” every other second.  Lindsey used to come home from kindergarten and complain that someone “bees mean to her”.  She would say “I like her because she bees sweet to me” and “I don’t like her because she bees mean to me.”  I used to correct her constantly and now I’ll never hear her say that again.  It makes me a little sad.  I also remember the day that we told Logan that there was more than one super hero and that it would be ok for him to like someone else too.  I don’t think Spiderman was ever the same again to Logan.  As parents we correct them constantly because it’s our job, but sometimes you miss those things that make them little.  Lindsey used to say “Lamby” and not “Grammy” and I am not sure why I ever corrected her on that one because it was so adorable.  One of my English professors once quoted a writer (and I can't remember who it was) who said that no two children has the same set of parents.  This couldn't be more true.  We are different parents with Carson and Dylan than we were with Lindsey and Logan, and learning to appreciate the age that they are is one lesson that we have learned.  You are excited about every stage with your first and you are always looking forward.  Even if you are enjoying the present, you are looking ahead constantly.  With your last you know that it's coming and even though you are excited for it, you are standing still and enjoying the moment that you are in.  For me, that is one of the hardest things to balance in life.....moving forward while enjoying the moment that you are in.  It's especially important to practice with your kids because they grow up so quickly. 

Can you believe this craziness about Arnold Schwarzenegger?  He fathered a kid 10 years ago, and Maria Shriver is not the mother?  The woman worked in his home!  I don’t know why this shocks me, nor do I know why ANYTHING shocks me anymore.  I was broken the day that Reese and Ryan broke up.  They were the absolute cutest family. 

I am going to Pilates this morning, like every Tuesday, and then I have a pretty typical day. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

connubial \kuh-NOO-bee-ul; -NYOO-\, adjective:
Of or pertaining to marriage, or the marriage state; conjugal; nuptial.

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