Saturday, May 28, 2011

Get this......

The 4th graders had a party yesterday on the baseball fields and Carson had the time of his life; Dylan slept the entire time in the stroller.  The big kids played with Carson the entire time and he had the biggest smile on his face. Every time that we go to their school the babies are very popular and the kids fight over who gets to play with them.  (Not Logan and Lindsey, their friends.)  The school hired a DJ and some of the kids sang karaoke; the others basically ran around and got rid of their energy for a couple of hours.  When it was almost time to go the 4th graders lined up and they walked the halls and said goodbye to everyone.  All of the parents and teachers line the walls and take pictures and wave; it’s basically a parade.  It’s a really big deal.  Lindsey and her friends, well, all of the girls that I saw were all in tears.  It was sad.  A lot of them have been together since kindergarten and although they’ll probably graduate from high school together they know that they’ll never be at that school again. 
I got the kids’ report cards and standardized test scores.  They both did extremely well, but I am mostly shocked about Logan’s.  All of his scores were extremely high.  His teacher said that you rarely see a score as high as his science score was.  (I was so shocked that I had to call his teacher to make sure that I understood them correctly.)  In math alone, Logan is in the 97th percentile nationally and they have suggested that he begin ALGEBRA next year.  His scores are comparable to a ninth grader’s in his 8th month of school.  His teacher said that she’s always known that he is very bright, but that the ADHD medicine has helped him to focus more and she’s seen a dramatic change.  I guess so!  He got A’s for the year and received a ticket to Six Flags as a special treat.  I’m really proud of him.  And don’t get me wrong, Lindsey did very well—Logan just did better.  I told his teacher that I have already requested that the kids be put in the same “community” next year and she said that he’ll no doubt be in advanced classes.  I told her that the principal already said that he would put them together.  His teacher then said that it wouldn’t hurt Lindsey to be pushed as well and that she’s fully capable of being in advanced classes as well.  She thinks that it would help her to be around focused kids because she socializes so much and she gets distracted.  We’ll see.  I’m floored about Logan’s math scores and I am screwed, too.  I barely passed Algebra!  I just had to brag about him a bit because it’s a nice change from talking about something that he’s done to get into trouble.  We’ve always known he’s bright, that’s perhaps why we get so upset when he does foolish things. 
Have a great weekend!
vertiginous \vur-TIJ-uh-nuhs\, adjective:
1. Affected with vertigo; giddy; dizzy.
2. Causing or tending to cause dizziness.
3. Turning round; whirling; revolving.
4. Inclined to change quickly or frequently; inconstant.

1 comment:

  1. So happy with this news! That bright little star that's inside him and begging to come out is going to really start showing it's light! After he's been on it for a while, he'll learn some new habits and maybe he won't have to take it someday. It's just a tool.....congrats to you and Don for making a really tough decision for his best interest.
