Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother’s Day, hot mamas! (And everyone else, of course.)  I woke up with cards from Lindsey and Logan and pretty bowls made out of clay.  Oh, and watercolor pictures.  Oddly, they both painted flower vases with pretty flowers in them.  One of the best things about having older children is that they make art projects at school and they put SO much effort into them and can hardly wait to give them to you.  We went to church this morning and ate at an awesome restaurant, Serpas.  OH MY GOSH, it is so delicious.  My brother-in-law told me that it’s one of the Top 15 restaurants in the country and I can see why.  If you’re ever in Atlanta eat at Serpas.  I just got back from yoga, which felt very strange after eating such a huge meal.  I hope that everyone is having a great day!

Again, I didn’t receive a Word of the Day from so I have written my own:

Mother (noun):

  1. Smartest of the two parents
  2. Always correct
  3. Can multitask above all other living creatures
  4. Extremely patient
  5. Good listeners
  6. Loving and exceptional creatures

Heehee. J  Am I right?

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