Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter Pictures

Ok, well still no video because I ran out of time yesterday.  I do have Easter pictures though, thanks to Don's dad!  Look at my little cutie pies!  They aren’t the best pictures because it’s hard to get all four of them to smile at the same time, but they still look cute.  Poor little Dylie Bear needs a hair cut!  But wouldn't you have a hard time cutting those gorgeous golden locks?  I'd better soon though or Don will get his clippers out and I DEFINTELY do not want that to happen!  I am posting several.  Have a great day!  Here’s the Word:

purlieu \PUR-loo\, noun:
1. A place where one may range at large; confines or bounds.
2. A person's haunt or resort.
3. An outlying district or region, as of a town or city.
4. A piece of land on the edge of a forest, originally land that, after having been included in a royal forest, was restored to private ownership, though still subject, in some respects, to the operation of the forest laws.
"A purlieu is an area at the edge of a royal forest that

1 comment:

  1. OMG that blond hair looks just like Tyson's (i.e. The Godfather)
