Friday, May 6, 2011

I'm bad.....

I realized this morning that I STILL have not posted Lindsey’s video from the talent show.  I’m so bad.  Have you ever noticed that the things that maybe aren’t the most difficult are the things you seem to put off?  I hate those days when you have to tack your “to do’s” on to the next day.  I really despise that feeling, but it’s part of life.  I also set my sights so high that it’s impossible to get everything done, which means that I never avoid the crappy feeling of “Oh, I didn’t get that finished today.  Tomorrow I’ll do it!”  Don has told me to water down my calendar so that I can avoid feeling like a failure, but if it isn’t written down somewhere, it just doesn’t get done.  I don’t need to write down “brush teeth” or anything like that, but pretty much everything else!  I used to be so ridiculously unorganized and the only thing that has helped me in life is making lists and micro-managing –I guess being slightly OCD.  Plus, when you have as many children as I do, it’s necessary to be anal about everything because you know that you’re still going to be forgetful and mess up sometimes.  All I’m doing by trying to be super organized is lower the number of mess-ups.  There is no middle point for me.  I’m either OCD or in complete disarray.  As for today, I have a lot to do, so I must head off.  Oh, but one more thing…..I signed into my mom’s Facebook account (with her knowledge) because I wanted to tell Mark Zuckerberg that he’s a huge douche, but I couldn’t figure out how to message him!  Ok, so I never said I was as smart as Mark.....just cooler and not on Facebook.

Here’s your Word of the Day:
premonish \pri-MON-ish\, verb:
To warn beforehand.

1 comment:

  1. Darn! You didn't leave him a message.....every time I'm dealing with some drama regarding FB, which is never every day, I was to grab him by the neck and make HIM come and deal with it.
