Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lulu's sick

Lulu has a stomach bug.  She woke me up at 3:00 and said that she was throwing up.  Poor thing.  As bad as I feel for her, I also feel guilty because I am thinking “NO!  PLEASE No!  Don’t let all of us get it too!”  Stomach bugs are the WORST in big families.  It takes like a week for it to pass or everyone gets it at the same time and I am cleaning up vomit every other second for two days, trying not to get sick myself. 

Please pray that it stops at Lindsey.  I know that it seems like we’re always sick and that’s because we are.  In the fall, we all have allergies and sinus infections.  In the winter we all catch bugs.  Actually, Lindsey, Logan and Don have the strongest immune systems, probably because they are out of the house every single day.  Carson, Dylan and I should all be put into a bubble at this point.

I guess we're chillin' here with Lindsey today.  I am going to Zumba tonight at 8:00.  It's really rather late to work out, but the teacher is so much fun, it's worth it. 

Here’s your Word of the Day:


gasconade \gas-kuh-NEYD\, noun:
1. Extravagant boasting; boastful talk.
1. To boast extravagantly; bluster.

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