Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thank God for Thursdays!

We made it through yesterday, but just barely!  I left cheerleading practice with a pounding headache and I came home and snuggled with the boys until we fell asleep.  I think that I am staying home today until I have to take Lindsey to dance. I may go to Pilates this morning, but that's it.  My goal is to do as little as possible.

Lindsey's hair looks so adorable.  Here are a couple of pictures, which are green.  Not sure what I did to make them green, but they look sort of cool!:

Here's the Word of the Day:

substrate \SUHB-streyt\, noun:

1. Something that is spread or laid under something else.
2. In biochemistry. the substance acted upon by an enzyme.
3. In electronics, a supporting material on which a circuit is formed or fabricated.

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