Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Not Wednesday Again!

It's the dreaded Wednesday again, but the difference between today and other Wednesdays is that today I actually feel rested.  I used my 3-day weekend to do nothing, and when I say nothing I mean stay home and wash clothes.  I have had major allergy issues lately and all I do is run the kids around, so I don't even feel bad about doing nothing.  I needed to rest.  Yesterday I woke up and decided that I was going to chill at home with the little guys and try not to leave except for a second to drop  Lindsey off at dance; it was awesome.  I also had a bag under my eye from the drainage in my sinuses, so I thought that was a good reason to stay home.  So this Wednesday, I am sure, will be a lot easier than it usually is.

I feel like a mouse on a wheel sometimes, as I am sure all of us do.  There’s something wrong about living this way, and it would be even worse if I ate fast food every day (sometimes I am bad about this) and didn’t go to the gym.  We are all running on fumes and it’s just not normal!  When I get to the point where I shout “NO!  I will not go anywhere and I am not doing anything” at my kids, you know I that am exhausted.

I read "Goodnight Moon" to Carson last night.  He loves that book.  He says goodnight to all of the creatures and pieces of furniture, and he says "My book. Carson's book" and hugs it.  I tried to read to Dylan at the same time, but he wanted daddy to read to him.  They read "The Napping House", which is one of the funniest, cutest children's books ever written.  I love Don and Audrey Wood's books.  They were my favorite when I was little and they still are!   If you haven't read "King Bidgood's in the Bathtub", you are missing out! 

Hopefully today will be a good day!  Here’s your Word:

aplomb \uh-PLOM\, noun:

Assurance of manner or of action; self-possession; confidence; coolness.

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