Friday, September 16, 2011

How We're Rollin'......

My friend Katie and I were texting back and forth yesterday; it was the usual random conversation.  I was teasing her for liking Michael McDonald, we discovered that we both love Hall and Oates, she was telling me how sad she is that her little boy is now in school all day, and we were talking about how weird it is that Logan’s too cool to dress up for Halloween this year.  I told her that I bought a shirt that says “That’s How I Roll” for my 70’s roller girl costume (my sister and I are dressing up for Halloween), and I told her that I also wanted to buy her one.  The reason that I want to buy her a shirt that says “That’s How I Roll” is because of something funny that she did a few years ago.  I have been meaning to jot this story down somewhere so we don’t forget, so here I am, sharing it with you on a random day when there isn’t much going on. 

I had gone up north to visit my mom in Milwaukee.  One night Katie and I decided to go out for a couple of drinks.  We went to Bar Milwaukee, a dirty, plastic cup and sticky-floor kind of place.  It used to be fun, back in the days of 50 Cent, but we were sort of grossed out by it and realized that we had grown up…..that is, until “Baby Got Back” came on.  We danced to Sir Mix-a -Lot and decided that it was time to go.  As we were leaving, a guy grabbed me and started talking.   I said “No, married, not interested, blah blah blah” and Katie was still walking.  She realized that I was no longer there, so she came back, got in his face and yanked my arm.  She said “She isn’t interested, and trust me…..neither are you.  We are both married, we both have kids. SHE has twins.”  Then something classic came out of her mouth.  She said “We make people……that’s how we roll.” The guy sat there not knowing what to say and Katie and I left.  I was laughing so hard, I went home and told everyone what she said and it went into the Verbal Lynching Hall of Fame in our household.  Oh, she cracks me up.  We make people, that’s how we roll.  Awesome.
Yesterday after Pilates, I took the kids to McDonald's to play.  This picture is too cute not to share.  Here's precious little Dylan, enjoying his fries.  Finley is sitting next to him.

This one is from a few days ago.  Carson scooted his chair next to Finley's because he wanted to sit right up next to her. 

Today I am going to the gym, cleaning out my car (because I was too lazy yesterday), and going to Alabama to get Peyton, so I have to get going. 

Here are a couple of Hall and Oates videos, just for fun.  Oh my gosh, CHEESE!  I love the 80’s!  It makes me think of my parents when they were my age. 

If you recall, yesterday's Word of the Day was "baccanalia".  It was defined as the ancient Roman festival in honor of Bacchus.  Who or what the heck is Bacchus, right?  Am I the only one who didn't know that yesterday?  Well, I looked it up.  In lieu of a word for today, here is a brief description of Bacchus:
Bacchus is the Roman god of wine and intoxication, equated with the Greek god, Dionysus.   The festival or "orgies" (that's nice, gotta love the Greeks) were introduced in 200 BCE.  These orgies got so out of hand that they were eventually banned by the Roman Senate in 186 BCE.  Euripides wrote a play about the festivals called "The Bacchae".  Just an extra note.....apparently, Dionysus is the red-headed step-child of the Greek gods. He is hardly mentioned and he's bitter about it, according to my reading.  I remember reading about him in World Literature, but I don't remember where. 

1 comment:

  1. SO glad that you finally documented the "That's how we roll" story. I must use that story or phrase at least a couple of times a month just randomly. Katie is famous. Love the Hall and Oates videos - you were a year when Private Eyes came out and I remember watching it on VH1 (which was used as my stereo during the day) and dancing with my new baby girl in the living room!
