Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lazy Cheerleaders

The boys lost yesterday.  They were pretty sad, but they also knew that they played a really good team.  I don't mind when kids lose if they do their best, which is what I told Lindsey and the girls.  I was really pleased with the boys and not so much with the cheerleaders. 

The cheerleaders were lazy and I had to tell them about the worst game that I ever cheered for.  Brea, you will remember this… you remember when we were cheering as bugs flew into our mouths? It was horrible.  I remember taking my uniform off and there were tiny bugs stuck to my body; thousands of them.  I am pretty sure that we were all silently crying because it was so gross.  I know that I was crying, but maybe I was the only one.  Back to yesterday, the girls were whiny, sloppy, and you couldn’t hear them.  Almost everyone was out of town, so they just really felt embarrassed to have such a small squad.  Plus, the girls who usually get away with being silent were totally busted.  I apologized to the mothers for being so hard on the girls.  They told me that I was being too nice and that they were irritated watching them.  Every time that I think I am being too mean, it turns out that I am not being mean enough.  HA!  Anyway, we all pulled them over into a group and said “Look, if you don’t want to cheer, WE will get out there and cheer for the boys.”  The looks of horror on their face were priceless.  They immediately shaped up second half. 

I finally got a picture with Logan.  He is usually nowhere near the camera and I made a special point of snapping one after the game. 

Have a great Sunday!  No work or school tomorrow!  YAY!  Here's the Word:

braird \BRAIRD\, verb:
1. To sprout; appear above the ground.
1. The first sprouts or shoots of grass, corn, or other crops; new growth.

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