Monday, September 12, 2011

Three Things

Don said over the weekend that there are three things I must do every day to feel normal now, and he is right.  I must blog, I must drink coffee, and I must work out.  We were laughing about it because I am like the old man in “UP”, the one who smells of prunes and denture cream (if you’ve seen the movie, you get it).  The older I get the more dependent I am on my routine, like a grandma.  I have to blog to manage my excessive talking and feed my soul, I have to drink coffee or I get massive headaches, and I have to work out or I am grouchy and feel terrible.  It’s sort of funny, but it's totally true. 

Let's be thankful that nothing bad happened in New York yesterday and that the families were able to visit the memorial and grieve without some psychopath succeeding in making a name for himself.  I'm sure that yesterday was a hard day for a lot of families, but at least now they have a place to pay tribute to the victims.  And isn't the memorial beautiful?  I am so happy that they kept the imprint of where the buildings once were.  I feel like I was on 9/11 overload, and I didn't even lose anyone that day.  The constant coverage and documentaries have given me bad dreams for a couple of nights now.  I think I'm going to watch "Sex and the City" to cheer me up.  There's nothing like Samantha to put a smile on your face. 

Did you see the news about "Spongebob Squarepants" being bad for your kids' brains and attention spans?  I have banned that stupid cartoon for years!  Don and I have told the kids that it makes them stupid and it turns out that we were right!  They always turn it on even though we don't allow it, but maybe now they'll listen!  I have tried to watch it and I don't understand what's going on most of the time.  I say things like "Why are they on the moon now, I thought they lived in the ocean?  Wait, where did the squirrel come from?  Why is Spongebob a rat now?"  I have tried to follow it, but I can't!  Now I know why I don't understand it-because I have a normal attention span!

Here’s the Word of the Day:

dilatory \DIL-uh-tor-ee\, adjective:
1. Tending to put off what ought to be done at once; given to procrastination.
2. Marked by procrastination or delay; intended to cause delay; -- said of actions or measures.

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