Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pretty Girls

Yesterday we made a list of things to do on a rainy day because the weather forecast for this week has been awful.  We came up with the following:

  1. Write letters of appreciation to soldiers
  2. Write thank you notes and make cookies for the local the firemen
  3. Treasure Hunt
  4. Play Twister
  5. Have a tea party
  6. Play charades
  7. Put on a play
Instead of doing these things, Grant and Logan played Playstation, the baby boys played with cars, and Hanna, Lindsey and Finley put on costumes.  I curled the girls' hair and put blush and lipstick on them.  Here are some pictures of the beautiful girls:

Me and Carson, just for kicks

By the way, Hanna and Lindsey DID end up making cards for the firemen down the street.  When we dropped them off, the firemen asked the kids if they wanted to see the firetruck.  They took them on the truck, showed them around, even gave them fireman hats.  It was so cool and the kids loved it.  We got ice-cream afterward.

By the way, did you know that ice-cream is not supposed to be hyphenated anymore?  It is just two separate words now.  Well I refuse!  That looks bizarre and I hate it!  Ice cream should be ice-cream.  If you look it up it says "formerly and properly known as ice-cream." Well, I am sticking to what works.  What is that monstrosity???

Here's the Word of the Day:


a member of the middle class.
a person whose political, economic, and social opinions are believed to be determined mainly by concern for property values and conventional respectability.
a shopkeeper or merchant.

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