Thursday, September 29, 2011

Single-Celled Organisms

Logan and Lindsey have a science test on single-celled organisms this morning.  I thought about driving them through McDonalds to show them in person what one actually looks like, but…….ok, so that was mean, but do they ever get an order right?  I hate McDonald’s.  Carson and Dylan constantly say “MaacDonald’s, Mama?  MaaaacDonald’s?”  I know they are not babies anymore because they ask for fast food.  Why do they have to ask for the one place I rarely go and despise?  It’s so gross! I took them once and they refuse to forget about it!  I have taken them to Chick-fil-a several times, but they ask for McDonald’s instead!  That place is so disgusting. 

Anyway, Logan and Lindsey were studying for their test until 10:00 last night because they had practice until 8:00.  Lindsey had dance before cheerleading, so she had even more work to do than Logan.  She was doing her homework while she ate dinner, poor thing.  Around 9:00 I made them quiz each other and Lindsey came down in tears because Logan started asking her social studies questions for NEXT Thursday’s test.  She said that he was calling her dumb, so I said that she should just study alone or with me.  I asked why he was quizzing her for a test that was a week away and she said that he was just trying to “fill her mind with doubt”.   I was too tired to yell at him, so Don went up and told him to be nice.  I quizzed the kids and I think that they are ready. 

I took the kids to the playground after yoga yesterday and took some pictures of the boys.  (Posted below.)  By the way, yoga was awesome yesterday.  The teacher came over and put me in all of these crazy positions because she said that she was watching me and could tell that I could take more.  All I know is that my legs were behind my head at one point and I didn’t feel a pull.  Her class is awesome.  She is a true Yogi and it’s obvious that she breathes deeply and practices yoga all day long….something that I am not very good at.  In class, I can slow down and breathe.  In life, um, no.  When I get angry, I do not remember to breathe deeply and mentally take myself to some peaceful place.  Hopefully I will be able to do that one day.
Here are the pictures:

Here is the Word of the Day:

woolgathering \WOOL-gath-(uh)-ring\, noun:

Indulgence in idle daydreaming.

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