Thursday, September 8, 2011


I think that it is safe to say that at this point in time, people are frustrated with the government beyond a safe point.  What I mean by that is that I think people feel like no matter what they do and no matter whom they vote for, things will be the same—that’s a dangerous and helpless way to feel.  It’s dangerous because people will either do something crazy, or completely check-out.  I feel that politicians are like a pile of bruised fruit at the grocery store.  You need an apple for a recipe.  You pick up each apple, glare at it, and eventually go with the one with the fewest bruises.  They all taste rotten in your mouth.  For example, Obama was voted for on the premise that he would bring about change, but he’s left people pretty disappointed.  (I am basing this on what I hear others saying and the polls.) 

I have been thinking about that movie “Dave” starring Kevin Kline.  I realize that it’s just a movie, but the idea behind the script is great.  Dave looks identical to the president.  When the real president has a heart attack and is in a coma (he had it while having sex with some ho in the Oval Office), the administration hires Dave to fill in until the crappy president wakes up, keeping it a secret from the American people.  Dave changes policies that are morally wrong and even brings in his accountant to fix the government’s deficit.  I know, I know.  It’s just a movie, but it’s about changing what isn’t working and doing the right thing in the midst of bureaucracy.  It isn’t rocket science.   If things aren’t working, change them.  And maybe it really starts and ends with us.  There is too much bureaucracy and red tape for even the president to change things, even if he truly wants to.  Maybe we should bring in some Joe Schmoe that no one knows.  Maybe the guy has no political background, but he has a moral compass….not religious, but moral.  If we shout what we want enough, maybe we’ll be heard.  Electing some unknown would definitely get Washington’s attention!

I used to yell at people for not voting and then I would say “Fine.  If you aren’t going to vote, then you don’t get to bitch about anything.”  What a stupid thing to say.  Maybe I am the one who hasn’t realized until recently that my vote isn’t worth a damn and that the joke’s on me and my political science teacher.  If your choices are Liar #1, Liar # 2, or Liar # 3, well then maybe you just need not vote at all.  Rather than to contribute to the problem, maybe we should all just vote with our dollar instead of our useless ballot.  What I mean by this is that if we don’t like that the food industry is backed by a-holes in Washington and are not required to make farmers feed their cattle grass instead of corn (does this sound ridiculous to anyone else?) then we just need to buy grass-fed beef.  This is just an example.  Another would be not shopping at Walmart and instead ma and pa stores…..but it all depends on how sick of things we get.  These are just a couple of examples off the top of my head, and my point is that maybe our every day decisions count more than the one in November.  I really wish that I had a political science degree.  I took sociology and realize that the world isn’t fair, but I have no idea how to fix the atrocities. 

Maybe our leaders only suck because they have crappy choices too.  The world isn’t fair and it seems that where one benefits, another suffers.  Maybe our government does the best with what they have, but I highly doubt that’s the case all of the time.  A lot of them are selfish and narcissistic—their sex lives prove this.  I do know one thing…..if the whole world followed the Golden Rule, we wouldn’t have crappy choice A, B, and C.
When I was in sociology I learned about capitalism, socialism, and communism in their most perfect, idealistic states.  I thought that all of them sounded good.  You know why?  It’s because in their truest and most innocent forms, they are all good ideas.  Communism is so scary, but the model doesn’t sound scary.  The problem is that when you add human beings to any situation, the idea gets mucky.   People are selfish, conniving, evil, and therefore none of the models work the right way.  I know that all of you know this, but I just thought I would reiterate that the problem is people.  If everyone would use the Golden Rule, no matter what type of government, we’d all be happy. 

It is clear that I am venting.  I have no solutions.  Anyone know a good Joe Schmoe?

A few weeks ago my mom sent me a You Tube video of an angry man, ranting to the camera.  I can't remember who the guy is, but he said so many things that made sense, along with an F-bomb here and there.  He said "How can I tell my daughter that capitalism is awesome when we owe money to China?"  Then he says "China, B?  Yo, Obama, PAY YO BILLS!"  It was hilarious, but true.  I'll look for the link. If anyone wants to see it, email me.  I won't post it because I don't like to use the F word in my writing.  I may write the occasional bastard, crazy-ass, or hell, but I don't typically like to use bad language in my writing or in my blog and I don't want to post something like that.  Have you seen "Julie and Julia"? All she does is cuss in her blog and it's just awful writing.  And yet she's getting books published.....again, the world isn't fair.  Today you saw the extent of my cussing.  How many times did I say sucks, crappy, a-hole-yikes!  I should probably edit, but it's me....venting.

No Word of the Day because I am actually writing this on Wednesday and scheduling it for Thursday morning.  Have a great Thursday!  This has been a really short week, huh? Almost Friday!

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