Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Nugget of Snobbery

I went to Alabama yesterday to pick up Peyton.  On the way to get him I had to stop to get gas.  I always say that I am not a snob, and in many ways, I am not a snob. There are moments, however, when I realize that I sort of am.  I always try to stop at a busy exit where there will be a lot of gas stations and food to choose from.  I also do this to avoid stopping in a town that looks as if people disappear mysteriously.  Yesterday I kept waiting for a busy exit, but there weren’t any, so I had no choice to pull over and get gas in the middle of nowhere. As I pumped my gas, I began to wonder if there was a nuclear power plant nearby because some of the people would have looked normal with arms coming out of the sides of their heads.  Isn’t that a terrible thing to say? 

This reminds me of a time that I stopped at KFC with Don somewhere in the middle of nowhere and I sarcastically asked him if there was a nuclear power plant nearby because the workers were so strange.  He said “Actually, there is.”  I got my chicken sandwich and bit into bread.  I opened up the sandwich and there was A NUGGET of chicken in the middle of the bun.  Don and I started laughing.  I had to go up to the counter and ask the manager for a piece of chicken instead of the nugget.  He laughed and showed the employees.  The employees looked confused.  I’m sorry, but that is funny.  It was really funny. 

I have to get ready for Logan and Lindsey’s game.  Have a great Saturday!  By the way, Peyton is now at least a head taller than I am.  And I am 5’3. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

postprandial \post-PRAN-dee-uhl\, adjective:

Happening or done after a meal.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe he's that tall.....obviously not living near a nuclear power plant.
