Sunday, October 30, 2011

Jackets Sting the Tigers

Georgia Tech beat Clemson 31-17 last night which means that it is sure to be a good day at the Chenault household.  Don is really happy about the win because Clemson was ranked 4th in the nation.  Or were they ranked 5th?  I don't know.  I could never be a sports writer.  All I know is that it was a good game and Don is in an excellent mood.  Aren't men funny?  Their moods depend on whether their team does well or not.  That would be like a woman being grouchy that her soap opera took a twist that she didn't like.  That was a sexist thing to say, but I am a girl, so it's allowed.  Here's a clip about the game:
The kids and I made Frankenstein brownies and Graveyard cupcakes while Don was at the game.  We also watched "Hocus Pocus".  As for today, all of the food that we are eating has a Halloween twist to it.  I will take pictures and post them tomorrow. 
Lindsey and I are watching a new show Sunday nights on ABC.  It's called “Once Upon a Time".  It is SO good!  It’s a dark yet kid-friendly show, very Labyrinth-like.  It’s written by the same people who wrote “Lost”, so I knew it would be good.  Basically, fairytale characters are trapped in our world, cursed by the Evil Queen.  Lindsey and I are hooked already.  I love that we have something that we can both enjoy and look forward to.  It started last week, so you can still catch up. 
Here’s your Word of the Day:

thanatopsis \than-uh-TOP-sis\, noun:

1. A view or contemplation of death.
2. A poem (1817) by William Cullen Bryant.

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