Tuesday, March 8, 2011

We Ate the Apple.....

Note: This is being posted on Wednesday, not Tuesday.  It is just the middle of the night and the timer is wrong for some reason. 

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said “Women who behave rarely make history.”  I got to thinking about this sticker and whether or not it holds any truth…..it definitely does.  Think about all of the women who are famous and who made a difference in the world—they were definitely not following the rules.  Although it’s funny, they weren’t doing anything that men weren’t doing.  Men have behaved badly since the beginning of time and just because Eve screwed up before Adam did; we’re the ones who got burned at the stake and were forced to wear Scarlet letters.  I’m half kidding; but seriously, will we ever live down the fact that Eve messed up so badly?  No!  It’s like the ultimate man-card. 

Woman: “I don’t see why I have to do the dishes every night.”

Man: “I guess you should have thought about that before you disobeyed God.”

Woman: “Well do you think that maybe I could vote for the president too?”

Man: “I don’t know, last time you made a decision you screwed up pretty badly.  You remember the apple incident.”

Woman: “Maybe we should stop for directions.”

Man: “Maybe not.  You’re not the best judge of character.  You did listen to Satan.”

Woman: “Do these jeans make my butt look big?”

Man: “It would still be perfect if you wouldn’t have eaten the apple.”

And what we were doing when we were “misbehaving” doesn’t even touch the men.  There was a time when men had to commit mass genocide to make the history books and all we had to do was have sex with someone, so I’d say that the scale has been tipped unfairly throughout history.  Wait, maybe not much has changed.  Monica Lewinski did design a line of handbags simply because she “didn’t have sexual relations” with Clinton.

I started thinking even deeper. (What’s wrong with me?  All because of a damn bumper sticker?  Drive, Britt, drive.)  If I had lived 200 years ago would I have behaved?  Hell no.  Would I have been as strong and opinionated as I am now?  I hope so.  If I would have been forced to sit at the back of the bus, would I have?  Uh, I hope that I would have grabbed a pole and clung to dear life.  Would I have worn an A?  I’d spit in some dude’s face if he tried pinning that crap on me.  Of course, it’s easy for me to say this now because of the time we live in.  I’m not a pioneer; never will be.  But I hope that I would have been so bold.

I have a confession to make.  A few days ago I posted about how good girls want the bad boys.  I think I have to kick myself now and say that I am still guilty of this apparently natural thing that girls do….pick the bad boy.  I was talking to my bro-in-law today about “Lost” and I said that I hated Sawyer with Juliette; I preferred him with Kate.  For those of you non-Losties, he’s like the epitome of a bad boy.  He’s hot, and he’s the bad boy that occasionally shows a redeeming quality, the bait.  As soon as he throws it into the water, it’s over.  You’re hooked like a fish.  My brother-in-law said “It doesn’t really surprise me that you didn’t like him with Juliette because he was a good guy when he was with her.”  I was like “OUCH!  You’re right!”  I didn’t even realize that that’s why I liked him less.  Before I knew it, Bill and I were in a discussion about girls liking bad boys, how gorillas are the same way, and how it’s instinctual—you get it.  It was a deep conversation.  We were talking about how the problem is that women want this bad boy with the idea that they will change them, and then once they change them, they aren’t happy anymore because the thing that they were attracted to in the first place, the bad-ness, is gone.  I don’t know.  What do you think?  Comments!  Comments! 

By the way, my brother-in-law made a joke about Eve eating the apple.  See????

Here’s a picture of Sawyer…….

Here’s the Word of the Day:



–verb (used with object), -lized, -liz·ing.
to torment with, or as if with, the sight of something desired but out of reach; tease by arousing expectations that are repeatedly disappointed.


  1. 1. My mother had tons of baseball caps that she would wear. I've taken all of the ones that mean something to me and placed them in special places. (my office, my car and my home...so she's always with me). But, the one at my home is my favorite, she wore it all the time, and it's the same quote!

    2. Sawyer is sooooo sooooo sooo HOT, the rest of what I would like to say is innapropriate.

  2. Britt, you probably don't remember but that's not the first time you've seen that quote about women behaving badly . . . I had a book by that title when you were little. You picked it up one time and asked me what it meant and I stammered around with some dumb explanation I'm sure. In any event and happily, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree sometime. If you had lived in Venice during the Inquisition, you probably would have been a courtesan(Dangerous Beauty) and I would have been your proud mother.
