Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mr. Bear, the Man of the House

Lindsey had a special practice this morning for her Willy Wonka play so I took her to school at 7:45, and of course we were rushed again because we slept too late.  I think that we are all ready for summer.  Poor Don doesn’t get to enjoy sleeping in during the summer, and I guess since I pack his lunch, neither do I.  But the kids, I can tell, are exhausted and are ready for a break.  They have so much to do when they get home from school, and after playing a little and eating there is always some reason to get to bed too late—this makes them tired in the morning.  Lindsey was not even released from Girl Scouts until 8:40 last night.  How ridiculous is that?  I still had to get home and cook dinner and put the boys to bed! 

I went to the gym this morning and then came home and fed the boys lunch.  Carson threw a temper tantrum because I wouldn't let him eat a cough drop and I realized that he needed a nap.  I gave them a bath first and after washing off their little cheeks which were stained with spaghetti sauce we watched a little Elmo.  My plan to wind them down with a video didn’t work because they got up to play with their new cars.  They started to fight over the “good car” and I remembered that I still need to call Little Tykes to get a replacement piece to make the cars the same.  The boys can tell which one drives smoother, and therefore are fighting every single time that they play with them.  Thanks a lot, Little Tykes.  Carson screamed to the point that I thought he might throw up and made it perfectly clear that he didn't want to nap, so I finally allowed him to sleep on the floor with his stuffed friends and blankies.  Well of course, Dylan wanted to sleep with him.  They are snuggling together on the floor in their room and I am wondering why bothered at all to buy cribs.  Seriously.  They’ve never gotten what I would call "normal usage".  We're considering buying one big bed for them since they’re happier sleeping together anyway.   And I bought “Lifetime Cribs.”  There was my mistake.  Ha!  Sucker. 

I started reading “Rebecca” and so far it’s very good.  I read the back and discovered that the author also wrote a novella called “The Birds”.  Alfred Hitchcock later made it into a movie, which I saw when I was around 9 or so. 

I know that I must have been exhausted last night because I feel asleep while watching “Good Fellas” on AMC—nothing like Martin Scorsese and Joe Pesci to lull me off to sleep!

I realize that SLEEP is a common theme in this blog.  I'm not clueless to the fact that the lack-there-of is an issue, in case you were wondering.  I know that everone gets tired, but our house must seem very deprived as much as I talk about it.  Will I ever sleep a full night again?  I sure hope so.  Dylan finally slept all night last night because I made Mr. Bear answer "yes" when I asked if he wanted to sleep in Dylan's big-boy bed.  Can you believe that that worked?  That bear holds a lot of power!  But then Carson didn't sleep.  See????  Oh, and Lindsey was sleepwalking and making weird noises.  So even if the one problematic sleeper decides to sleep because his fuzzy friend says so, another is awake. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

bedaub \bih-DOB\, transitive verb:
1. To smudge over; to besmear or soil with anything thick and dirty.
2. To overdecorate; to ornament showily or excessively.

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