Friday, March 11, 2011

Handler Hatin'

My car has been making a very weird sound when I start it up and I had to take it to the dealership to get it checked out yesterday; I was also due for an oil change.  I had them drop me and the boys off at Chuck E. Cheese so we could play while we waited.  I had a pretty good day because I got to do something fun with the boys, and I no longer have to feel nervous dropping my car off at the dealership because the weirdo who stole my cell phone number and started texting me no longer works there.  About three years ago I started getting these random text messages and I figured that it was a wrong number, so I ignored them.  I got one that said “Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Randy.”  I asked Don if he thought that it could possibly be the Randy he knew, but that would just be too bizarre since I had only met him once and as far as I knew he didn’t have my number, so I ignored it again.  Finally, we figured out that it was this pervert at the dealership  and let’s just say that we were very nice for not getting him fired.  The dude took my number out of my file and put it into his personal cell phone….isn’t that so odd?  Who does that?  If you have to do something like that, you have like zero friends.  It seriously creeped me out and I was relieved to find that he is no longer employed there.  Now my car won’t suffer.

Here are some pictures of our Chuck E. Cheese trip.  The first one is Dylan looking at Chuckie.  He didn't like him.

After we got the car back I visited a friend and her baby, Kayli.  Actually, she’s not a baby anymore!  She’s 9 days older than Carson and Dylan.  They’re so cute when they’re all together.  She kisses the boys.  I think she’s having a hard time deciding which one of my boys she’s going to marry one day.  First, it was Carson and Kayli in the bassinet as newborns because we like the way their names sound together, but now we’re thinking that they would kill each other because they’re too much alike.  Ha!  I’m kidding.  We’re not that crazy!  I just wanted to eat her up yesterday because she says "Yes, Ma'am."  But she says "Yesth."  It's so adorable. 

I went to the gym last night and watched a little E! while I was on the elliptical.  I wish that they would change the channel in front of that machine, but that’s what’s on, so I am forced to learn about people I don’t care about.  For example, Chelsea Handler was on.  Um, why is this woman famous?  I am not trying to be a trader to my girls here and say something sexist, but the only time you should be allowed to be that big of a beotch on TV is if you’re hot, and she’s not.  She’s bitchy, mean, not funny, and ugly.  She looks like she would eat her young if she were hungry.  She just gets under my skin!  And I hate when she’s all glammed up in her “Chelsea Lately” ad—a fan is blowing her hair, and she turns to the camera trying to be sexy.  She looks uncomfortable, like she’s thinking “I’m funny, I shouldn’t have to wear lipstick.!”  I keep thinking about how uncomfortable a dog would feel if it were posing for Playboy and I imagine that’s how she feels. 

That’s about what I’ve got today: Handler hatred and psychotic service dudes.  Geez, Britt.  Sometimes I wonder about me.  So random.

Let's keep everyone in our prayers today; a lot of people died in the tsunami.  I am happy to report that I spoke with my mom this morning and she and Greg are fine in LA. They are 10 miles away from the coast and have not cancelled their plans to see "Beauty and the Beast" this evening.   My mom sounded tired and said that my grandma called to check on her at 4:30 this morning and told them to start driving away from the coast, but they aren't.  They would be the last to let a cataclysimic event shatter their plans! 

Here’s the Word of the Day—may it bring more intelligence to you than the rest of this posting!  Have a great day!  By the way, I am not choosing these words.  They are sent to me daily from and the strange thing is that they always seem to fit about what I've written about.  I write everything, then I go and get the word from my email.  So look at the definition today.  Does that sound like Chelsea Handler or what?

epicene \EP-uh-seen\, adjective:
1. Having the characteristics of both sexes.
2. Effeminate; unmasculine.
3. Sexless; neuter.
4. (Linguistics) Having but one form of the noun for both the male and the female.
1. A person or thing that is epicene.
2. (Linguistics) An epicene word.


  1. Love the Dylan picture! That's exactly what Ty looked like the first time he saw Churckie and right before he ran in the opposite direction - he hated him. There is something creepy and not at all comfortable about a rat that big.

  2. Once again, I'll have to disagree...I love Chelsea Handler! I'll make sure to cancel that Kesha listening/Chelsea Lately party that I was planning to throw.
