Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Just Me.....

First thing this morning I woke up and had my coffee.  Then I took Lindsey to school at 7:45 for Music Makers, came home, fed the boys and got ready for yoga.  I dropped Carson and Dylan off with my mother-in-law to run some errands.  (You remember— the stuff that I didn’t get finished yesterday?) So I’m feeling very Zen after my yoga class and calmly and leisurely go home to get some things together.  I cleaned up and sold the kids' highchairs because they are crawling out of them, went by my brother-in-law’s house to pick something up, went by the bank, went back to the post office and mailed the cookies out, and now I am home eating a sandwich and blogging in complete peace and quiet.  Thank you, Libbie.  I know that it has been much noisier for you, since you have the boys!  I am planning on getting some things done around the house and then I’m picking them up as soon as they wake up from the nap that they MAY already be taking. 
On the way to the post office I realized that I had a message on my phone, which was weird because I didn’t hear it ring.  I checked my voicemail and it was a message from one of my friends saying “Remember the day when you got up, got dressed and left the house and did whatever you wanted to do, you didn’t have to worry about feeding someone else and taking care of anyone else?  Ok, I have to go because someone needs my attention now.”  I called her back and said “No.  I don’t remember that because I was in HIGH SCHOOL the last time that that happened!  My parents were telling me to get dressed and get out of bed!”  Ok, so I had one year after high school that I was free to do whatever I wanted, but I had a pathetic, childish, controlling boyfriend bossing me around at that time, so no….I don’t remember. 
It is nice being able to run into a store and not have to take 4 kids in with me, but I actually don’t like it quiet for too long.  One day a week to run errands will be enough for me.  I love being a mom, I love the constant action, and most of all I love the smiles around me every day.  It is a hard job, but I don’t think that I was ever meant to take care of just me.  I never wanted alone time when I could have had it, and I never appreciated silence—must be why I talk so much!  I will definitely appreciate a day to myself to run errands because it’s not fair to me or the kids to feel so stressed out, but I can’t wait to pick them back up.  I miss them. 
Thank you, Libbie!  I know you’re reading!  Thank you for this alone time!
Now I have to get back to work.  Oh, and I am thinking that I am not actually having migraines, but that the new blooming plants are bothering me.  My sinus above my eye feels like it’s going to pop even after medicine and it’s sore to the touch.  I love spring, but I hate my sinuses.  Why must we need air????  Our heart beating should be enough.  Air is dirty and it always affects my sinuses.  And have you ever seen how huge a sinus is?  Ewwwwww!  They are disgusting!
Look at this map of your sinuses.  It’s sick!

Here's your Word of the Day:

wunderkind \VOON-duhr-kint\, noun;
plural wunderkinder \-kin-duhr\:
1. A child prodigy.
2. One who achieves great success or acclaim at an early age.


  1. I've never seen a picture of sinuses before - yuck! Now I understand headaches more. Libbie, thanks for helping out. I know Britt appreciates it. Grammies and Nonnas rock!

  2. Makes me want to vomit...seriously!
