Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Barbie is Bad

I wasn't allowed to play with Barbies when I was a little girl.  My mom only let me play with Skipper, the flat-chested Wanna-Be-Barbie who looked stupid in clothes and never had a boyfriend.  When I stayed with my dad though, he bought me as many Barbies as I wanted.....so did his mom.  Sorry, Dad.  Haha.  In fact, my sisters and I had so many cars and mansions to accompany our Barbies, it looked like Barbieville when we set it all up.  I am sure that my mom loved hearing about that!

My mom is a feminist who believed that playing with Barbie would lead to an unhealthy body image and that my self-worth would be wrapped up in my looks, rather than my personality and soul.  I was raised to have opinions, value education, challenge my brain, and I thank my mother for that...but I still work out and wear make-up and do my hair because honestly, why not?  I mean, it's fun being a girl.  Girls make you realize how many colors exist in the world.  Have you seen our eye make-up?  Just one compact shows you that being a girl is more fun than being a boy.  Let's not lie....sex sells, people like pretty, and when you take care of yourself, you feel better and are in turn, happier and more pleasant to be around.  Salons are a big deal for a reason.  Sorry, Mom.  I am a lot more shallow than you are, I suppose. 

That being said, there are much more important things in life than your looks and some people take their appearance to another, sick level.  This freakazoid that you are about to discover has taken my mom's fears and made a mockery of Mattel. 

Guys, read the captions.  She has had NUMEROUS surgeries to look this way.  This is beyond bizarre.  I think you could get a blow-up doll that looks as real as this girl....I mean, plastic surgery was taken literally in this situation.  She looks like plastic on purpose.  One of my middle school teachers once told us that someone would look extremely weird if their dimensions were that of Barbie's and now I can see it.  She's definitely not 36X24X36.  (Only if she's 5'3).  Yes, I did.  That was totally a "Baby Got Back" reference. 

Check this out:



  1. No need to state when you make a "baby got back" reference...I'm well aware! You are funny!
