Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Real Girl Fight

See, this is why I love the fact that I named my blog Haphazard Daily.....I get to write about whatever nonsense I want to write about.  I am not saying everyone wants to read it, but I get to write it. 

Last night I had one long dream, which was really just a series of events that made no sense.  I was in Chicago admiring the city, then I was in a Catholic church where everyone was boozing it up (and not just during Communion, like they were getting hammered), then I was in some apartment where Ashton Kutcher lived, and then I saw two girls get into a fight. 

This fight wasn't your typical fist-throwing, hair-pulling, knockdown, drag-out fight.  They were fighting with arts and crafts.  One girl shoved yarn in the other girl's mouth, glue was used, glitter was thrown, stickers were stuck to each other's faces, .....by the end of the dream, they looked like a first grader's art project.

I woke up laughing. 

Have a great day!  Try not to stuff yarn in someone's mouth. 

pother \POTH-er\, noun:
1. A heated discussion, debate, or argument; fuss; to-do.
2. Commotion; uproar.
3. A choking or suffocating cloud, as of smoke or dust.
1. To worry; bother.

1 comment:

  1. i hope it wasnt noro, thats a bit pricey to be used as mouth stuffing
