Saturday, May 19, 2012

50 Shades of Hypocrisy

Ok, so I have a bone to pick.....

I have several friends who are in the midst of reading "50 Shades of Grey" or have already read the entire trilogy, even numerous times.  My friends talked me into reading the first book and before I stick up for my girls—don't worry, girls, it's coming—I HAVE to say that the writing sucks and she totally ripped off Twilight.  It's like she followed a formula when she was creating this series.  Having said that, I wish I would have done it because now she is rich and I am not. 

To briefly catch everyone up, 50 Shades is a very sexually explicit set of books.  It is a love story that explores a world where there are Dominant and Submissive partners in the bedroom.  My dad reads this blog every day, so I think I have said enough.  If you want to read up on it some more, that would be cool because it would save me the embarrassment of writing about handcuffs and riding crops in front of my parents.   

First of all, I find it funny that women were reading what was being called "mommy porn" for months and the dudes had no idea.  All that the guys knew is that they were getting laid more.  I wonder how many babies are going to be born next year due to this little phenomenon.  "The Grey Babies"...haha.  Anyway, I imagine that these men must have thought that all of the sex they were having had something to do with their new aftershave or the fact that they had recently cut the grass.  I watched it all go down even before having read the first book.  I can still hear my friends giggling as they shared this little secret with me....

Ok, so months go by and word finally got around to the men about what their wives were reading.  The media started calling it "50 Shades of Yay" for obvious reasons, and some husbands started feeling duped and used.  A lot of my friends are in trouble right now because their whiny baby husbands are offended that they would read this “trash”.  Really, the guys just feel stupid and their egos are bruised.

Ok, I am about to pick my bone…….

You husbands are the biggest whiney babies!  You can dish it, but you can't take it, right?  What, you don't like when you get back what you have been giving us girls for CENTURIES?  Hugh Hefner is a millionaire for a reason, guys.  We aren’t the ones buying Playboy.  Marilyn Monroe wore that white dress decades ago and we all still know which one I am talking about.  Why?  UMMMM because men look at other women and they have since the beginning of time and you can’t tell me that you don’t use your visuals as “inspirations” with your wife of 25 years.  What is Maxim's top 100?  Who's the smartest?  No, it isn’t.  And who is reading that?  YOU!  Men!  Come on, guys.   So, your egos are bruised and your confidence is crushed?  Get over it.  It's a book.  Not only is it a book, but it is a series of books that benefited YOU and gave your 10 year marriages and sex lives a jumpstart.  Oh!  And here is a tip.....Christian Grey is the main character.  I would be willing to say that his confidence and lack of insecurity is one of the qualities your wives find the most attractive. 

I think the whole thing is funny, ladies.  It is pure hypocrisy that these guys' boxers are in a bunch—that is all it is.  Read on.  If this floats your boats, then burn those bras and READ ON! 

One last note for the time one of your friends emails you a picture of a girl with a nice ass and you like it, you tell me I am wrong when I call you a hypocrite.

If you are uptight about sex or these books, then maybe don't click on this link.  SNL did a "Mother's Day" skit about "50 Shades of Grey".  Lighten up and have a laugh.....

pip \pip\, verb:
1. To peep or chirp.
2. (Of a young bird) to break out from the shell.
3. To crack or chip a hole through (the shell), as a young bird.


  1. OMG, that skit is so funny! I'm crying...and I had to watch it twice.

    Yes, I agree that it is very poor writing, but for me that's perfect. I have a keep it simple mentality when it comes to the books I read. Anything that makes me think is too much work.

  2. Hilarious as usual and call it like it is. You're Mama is laughing.

  3. Yeah, mom.....I wouldn't make it a day in the Middle East.....calling it like it is!!!!

  4. Well if it makes you feel any better, your mama used to "sneak drive" the car. Lucky I didn't get caught.
