Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Tired

The rain woke me up several times last night.  Between the noise that the raindrops were making and the bad dreams, I didn't sleep very well.  I dreamed that my house flooded and there were giant waves crashing over it because I lived on the beach.  I guess the rain doesn't bring me very sweet dreams. 

I had to be in Cartersville at 9:00 for Lindsey's rehearsal, which of course, we were a little late for because Lindsey couldn't find her black booty shorts.  I have been chronically late for like the past six months and I don't know why, but I suspect it's because I haven't yet ordered the missing piece for my Garmin.  I am surprised I can find my way out of my neighborhood without a navigation system.  I never know where the hell I am anymore.  Between that and missing bows and booty shorts, UGHHHHH, I just can't get it all together lately.

Anyway, the girls had rehearsal until 1:00 and since we were in the absolute middle of nowhere, I had to drive like 20 minutes to get Lindsey food.  An hour later, because I got a little lost, I came back with Subway.  I swear, all I did was drive today.

The girls were given their opening number costume and their white booty shorts for their lyrical costumes, which were WAY too big for them.  Lindsey's were a small, but they were falling off of her.  They fit me (I tried them on just for kicks), so they have to be taken in.....THANK YOU, Kalpana!  She's a saint, since I don't know how to sew!

Lindsey and I cleaned and did some laundry when we got home since the boys were at Grammy's.  After getting a few things done I took Lindsey to try out a tumbling class.  She loved it.  She is going to take cheer tumbling this summer.  It's a really good deal.  They can go for 8 weeks and up to four times a week for just $150.  (For the entire 8 weeks.)  I was about to fall asleep in the bleachers while I watched her and I am about to fall asleep now, so I have to wrap this up.

I am about to pick up the boys.  I hope I can stay asleep tonight, but that is doubtful since I wake up if a breeze hits a leaf a mile away!  I am just waiting for Lindsey to finish taking her bath.  She is shaving her legs for the first time tonight....well, the first time with PERMISSION. 

Lindsey has a recital tomorrow, one on Friday and two on Saturday.  I love these things, but we are always exhausted.  This is the worst writing of my life.  I am like a monotone robot.

Have a great night!  No Word of the Day because I don't care to learn anything today.  HA!


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