Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Proper Use for a Hatchet

Katie sent this link to me.  It's very short.  Read it and come back.  It's about a man asking for a break in child support for his 30 children......

Just when I begin to think that Maury Povich is staged, Desmond Hatchett comes along.  Hatchett.....I know what we can do with a hatchet if you don't keep it zipped up from now on!  How does this happen?  Not only does this man learn slower than a slug, but these women are so retarded!  I feel sorry for these kids.  How the hell does this happen?  I can see it now.....Hatchett is in line at Taco Bell and meets Baby Mama #47:

Hatchett:  Yo, baby.  You lookin' fine this evening.  You wanna share a packet of cinnamon twists?  Of course they won't be as tasty as you lookin'.

Baby Mama #47: I love cinnamon twists. 

Hatchett: You mind payin' for 'em though?  I would, but I just spent my last 57 cents on a taco.  I am 33 and I have 30 children. 

Baby Mama #47:  Ooooh, baby!  Take me home!  That's hot!

Hatchett: Oh yeah, that's another thing...we'll have to go to your crib because I've got my 30 kids for the weekend.  They're at home with my mama.

Baby Mama #47: That's cool, Daddy.  Let's ride. 

I mean, seriously.  How does that happen?  I would be walking around with a can of RAID if I knew that there were sperm like that within 500 feet of me and yet these women voluntarily sleep with the idiot?  Michael Phelps ain't got NOTHIN' on his little swimmers!  Kryptonite Sperm.  Damn.  He's in Tennessee....little too close to Georgia; makes me uncomfortable.  Did you see that one of the women only gets $1.49 a month?  That can't even buy you a Happy Meal! 

And to think that there are couples out there who can't have children.  Life really isn't fair sometimes.

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