Monday, May 7, 2012

Kate Upton is Irritating

Ok, I am not trying to be a hater, but I am sort of irritated with hot fame-whore, Kate I guess I am a hater.

Last week she was in a teensy little bikini doing the Cat Daddy dance and the one-minute video was yanked from You Tube for violating their nudity policy.  You Tube now says that they made a mistake by pulling it and allowed it to be posted again, this time with an age requirement.  I wouldn't want Lindsey watching it, even if she isn't completely nude. 

Here's what irritates me.....if you are that hot, which she is freaking gorgeous, why is that not enough for her?  She has to know that gyrating and bouncing around in slow motion (editor's fault) is going to give her even more attention and I guess I ask myself why she needs it at this point.  Everywhere she goes, guys fall all over her.  She does the Dougie at a basketball game and it gets like 5 kazillion hits.  Now she needs to wear BARELY a bikini and do the Cat Daddy?  And for those of you who have not seen the video, she says coyly "Haha, that's all you guys get."  I just threw up in my mouth, Kate Upton.  What's next?  Are you going to jump on a trampoline naked while singing "The Star-Spangled Banner"?  What will satisfy your thirst?

I don't feel sorry for her right now, because she is hot.  Why would I?  I wish I were that hot.  She's lucky!  She is blessed with good genes and that's all good.  But I have to say, it seems to me that she may be one of these women that has a hard time getting older because eventually the heads will stop turning, and there had better be more to her than just her body and beautiful face or she will be one sad lady.

Oh, and I love how she grabs her boobs at the end of the dancing, like she is trying to be modest.  UMMMM, they were just bouncing around and covered by like an inch of fabric, and they are huge.  Really?  Now you are modest?  Get out of here with your Cat Daddy.

Here's a link to an article, with a clip of her doing the Cat Daddy.

Here's the Word of the Day:

sudorific \soo-duh-RIF-ik\, adjective:
1. Causing sweat.
2. Sudoriparous.
1. A sudorific agent.

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