Friday, May 11, 2012

Flashback Friday-Barfing at the Lilith Fair

When I was a senior in high school, five of my friends and I went to see Sarah McLachlan at Lilith Fair in Orlando.  We went to the mall first and I spent all of my money (like $300) on clothes and I had no money for food and drinks by the time I got to the concert.  I ended up getting dehydrated and having sun poisoning from the 105 degree weather.  I was sleeping on the grass with a migraine.  Finally, when Sarah came on stage, when the sun had set, I threw up in a cup that I had grabbed from the ground.  Everyone backed up and I got to enjoy the concert without gettting stepped on. Oh, and the cup had a hole in it and I barfed on my shoes.  I looked drunk, but I wouldn't have had money for beer, had I even been legally allowed to drink, because I spent it on shirts and jeans.

Brea, do you remember how sick I was???  I was about to go to the first aid tent!  Remember that Julie got separated from us and watched the whole concert with a lesbian who was trying to take her home?  HAHA!  I guess none of us had cell phones, or not enough of us had them?  So funny.

I was so goofy and irresponsible.  My dad wanted to yell at me, but I was his princess and I think he thought I was funny.  Right, Dad?  Thinking back on how silly I was, it makes me remember to try to cut my kids some slack, especially Lindsey.  She is a clone of me.....poor thing.  She is so much smarter than I was at her age though.

One of my favorite Sarah songs, I Love You:

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