Friday, May 4, 2012

Flashback Friday-High School Pictures, Oh Geez.

So, every teenager thinks that they will be safe from going "OH MY GOOOOOOOSHHHH, what was I wearing" when looking back at THEIR high school pictures, but you are never exempt from the gut-wrenching realization that you too were walking around wearing that.  So, if you little 2000 babies think you won't look back and laugh at yourself, well I am laughing at you right now. 

I graduated in 1999 and my friends and I wore the lowest-rising jeans possible, but they were still ridiculously high.  My friend, Kellie, sent me some pictures from high school and I thought I would share them.  They are funny.  Don't judge.  We can laugh at ourselves.

Me, Brea, and Julie at the beach (1998)
Me and Kellie, at Aunt Fannie's...which means it was either 3 AM or we were hungover.
We don't look sick, because we are posing with the menus like a couple of dorks.  Shaking my head...
Kellie and me, right after graduation
Michelle and me, painting a banner for Homecoming or something
Candace, Brea, Julie, me, and Tara.....we were the Spice Girls in the
talent show.  Matt and Daniel in the back.  I was Ginger Spice and colored my
hair with a marker.
Me, Brea, Scott the pimp, Julie and Kellie. 
Brea, Michelle, Kellie, Julie, me and Tara
Me and Kellie.....Homecoming week, Hippie Day
Brea, me, Julie and Kellie, Downtown Ocala at Christmas

This was at a hotel for Kellie's birthday.  We just liked
taking pictures of ourselves, apparently. I like that we have like
12-year-old faces and yet, we are trying to be all sexy.  We were 17.

Thanks, Kellie, for the pictures!  I have said this so many times, but I was blessed with the best friends at an early age.  It's weird that we have all known each other for over half of our lives now.  We know everything there is to know about each other and I love that. 

Love you guys!  Have a great weekend! 

Hey, really quickly....HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KATIE!!!! Love you!  I hope you have a great day!

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