Thursday, May 17, 2012


I am going to have to refrain from watching or reading the news until this flesh-eating bacteria thing is over.  Now a mom of twins has contracted a flesh-eating bacteria.  These poor's so sad.

When I was reading the news today, I realized that I have never mentioned at any time on this blog that I have a phobia.  The people closest to me know about it, but that's it.  It isn't something that I can even talk about without getting completely freaked out, so I am making this short and you can research it yourself.  It is called Trypophobia.  Pores and clusters of holes completely freak me out.  I seriously can't even talk about it without itching all over.  My friend, Katie, has the same thing and we often freak out together.  We wonder if something happened to us when we were little that caused this irrational response to disgusting....ugggghhhhh, no more.  Some people are afraid of snakes, heights, going blind.....I don't like groups of holes. 

Ok, I will man up and give you an example.  Lotus pods and other disgusting creations like this will trigger me to put scratch marks all over my skin.  Even now, I have to stop writing.  It completely freaks me out. 

Please no pictures of gross things that will make me claw myself until I have a rash......I am being totally serious.  I share everything about myself on this blog, so why not the one thing I am afraid of?  Ok, that's a lie.  It isn't the only thing.  I am also afraid of losing my fingers in the garbage disposal.  I multi-task most of the time and I am afraid that one of these days I will try to save time by turning the button on while my hand is down the drain.  You know, checking to see that it's clear?  Maybe I am the only one?  Ok, I admit.....that's blonde, but it could happen when you have kids screaming in your ears and things hitting you in the head. 

Here's the Word of the Day:

altiloquent \awl-TIL-uh-kwuhnt\, noun:
High-flown or pretentious language.


  1. Morel mushrooms are fungi from HELL! They make me want to rip my hair out and bash my head against the wall. God are we weird.

  2. And what about that "airy" Hershey's kiss monstrosity????? Are they trying to kill me???????
