Friday, December 30, 2011

Sucker for Dylan....and Chick-fil-a

As I write this entry, I am stuffing a Chick-fil-a biscuit and hash browns into my mouth.  Mmmmmm, jealous, aren’t you?  Dylan woke up this morning and said “Bisit, hash boooowwwwwns” with a gigantic smile, so we went to Chick-fil-a.  I am such a sucker for that kid.  He’s like “Marshmallows!”  I give him a few, which is completely unacceptable to him.  “Whole bag!”  I say no to that.  “Big bowl!”  I get him a bowl of marshmallows.  He looks at me with those big blue eyes and flashes a little smile; I’m a goner!  He also has this soft little voice, almost raspy from being so sweet and gentle….I can’t resist!  He says “Bag of sugar”, what do I do?  I run to the pantry.

I feel sorry for Northerners.  They really miss out in the food department.  Not having Chick-fil-a would really suck.  Actually, I know it does because when I lived in Milwaukee for two years and came to Atlanta for Brea’s wedding, I freaked out when I saw someone with a Chick-fil-a cup in their hand at the mall and I immediately ran to get some.  I wasn’t even hungry, but I knew that I would have to travel a thousand miles to get it again.  Why does everyone think that the Northerners won the Civil War when we’re the ones with Chick-fil-a?  OMG.  I am totally kidding.  And why do I always want Chick-fil-a on Sunday?  It never fails.  I’m like “Mmmmm, you know what would be good right now?  Chick-fil…..awwwwww!  They’re closed!”   I know you do the same thing.

Carson has a cough and a stuffy nose.  He is sitting on my lap, sneezing and sniffling.  He only wanted a sippy cup with milk in it; left his Chick-fil-a for Dylan to devour.  I have some errands to run with the kids today, but I may hold off if Carson doesn’t start acting more normal. 

Here’s the Word of the Day:

lave \leyv\, verb:

1. To wash; bathe.
2. (Of a river, sea, etc.) to flow along, against, or past; wash.
3. Obsolete. To ladle; pour or dip with a ladle.
4. Archaic. To bathe.

1. The remainder; the rest.

1. (Of ears) large and drooping.

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