Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas to come.

I just talked to Don (he had to go to work) and he told me that he gets an email every time that Lindsey downloads an app on her new Kindle Fire.  She was up downloading stuff until 2 in the morning!  I would’ve done the same thing, so I am letting her sleep in. 

Disclaimer:  This entry is really just documentation for the kids so they will remember their Christmas.  If you want to read on, plan on basically getting a list of what everyone got for Christmas.  I am not including stocking stuff and I am sure that I will forget a lot, kids, but I am going to do my best!

Don and I were up until 3 am setting things up and wrapping.  No matter how prepared we are, this always seems to happen.  We woke up between 6 and 7; Logan and Lindsey were the early risers.  They woke before the boys!  Don went downstairs to set up the camera and I threw the Christmas morning food into the oven.  Dylan was screaming wanting Peanut Butter and Jelly toast, his favorite food and entirely his invention.  When we had everything set up, we allowed them to come downstairs.  As soon as Carson and Dylan saw the toys that Santa brought them, they forgot about food. 

Dylan’s first word was “Buzz!”  Carson screamed “Woody!”  They got the Buzz and Woody dolls from the movie.  They got a giant car carrier, cars, cars and more cars.  Dylan got a big Lightening McQueen, Carson got a big Tow Mater.  Lindsey got them Alvin and the Chipmunks Build-a-Bears.  These are so special…..she recorded her voice to say “Hi, Carson! (Dylan on his) Merry Christmas!”  They love them.  Logan got them remote control cars, Francesco and Mater and “Cars 2” the movie.  They got games and some other stuff.  Don’s parents and brother got them so much stuff, but some of their favorites…..the cars train track, the vegetable and fruit set with a fake knife and cutting board, giant puzzle and wall decals (all Cars stuff).  They boys are obsessed with Cars the movie. 

Santa brought Lindsey a huge fish tank and a certificate to go shopping for fish and rocks and stuff.  She got a mountain bike, a Rapunzel doll, Monte Carlo the movie, the Jackie Evancho Christmas CD, and an HD camcorder from us.  Don’s parents got her a Kindle Fire; Uncle Bill got her a karaoke game with mics for the PlayStation 3.  She got games, some clothes, a silver necklace with a cursive diamond “L” charm.  Oh, and we got her a pink bed net for her room.  This is so funny to me….she wanted this bed net because it’s pink and sparkly, when all it really is is a Mosquito net.  Didn’t Bill Gates just buy a bunch of Mosquito nets for the people in Africa to eradicate Malaria?  And we bought one for Lindsey, because she really needs one, right?  American kids have no idea how lucky they are.  Logan got her two cross necklaces, very pretty.  Short story....we had to measure Lindsey's legs to see what size bike Santa would need to bring.  She got an adult mountian bike.  She's SEVEN inches shorter than me, but her legs are only THREE inches shorter than mine.  I don't have a long torso, her legs are just that long! 

Santa brought Logan an electric Razor scooter, a Georgia Tech jersey (an exact replica), a Tony Hawk helmet, games, night vision goggles.  He also got an HD camcorder from us. Don’s parents got him a desert remote control car, a Roddy White jersey, a Julio Jones jersey, a Falcons t-shirt, and some shirts from Uncle Bill.  He got him a cool Superman shirt, one that says “Do Not Disturb, Daydreaming in Process”.  Haha.  He got a Harry Potter video game and Modern Warfare 3.  He got all of the Ernest movies, Yay, yea right.  “War Horse” the book.  He got Avatar on Blu-ray, from Lindsey.

Peyton got basically all military stuff from Santa and us.  He seriously got like three air soft guns and I know nothing about them.  He got night vision goggles, and a bunch of other war stuff.  He got clothes, video games, Battlefield 3.... a bunch of other stuff, but he won't jog my memory because he's busy.

Don got a bunch of sweatshirts, jeans, a huge hard drive for the computer, video games, a wallet, and a bunch of other stuff.  I actually got him three video games that he likes!  I was excited, since I haven't played since Sega.  I know nothing about games anymore.
I got two tickets to the High and two tickets to the Museum of Design in Atlanta.  These were in my stocking and I was so excited.  I am also IN LOVE with the Michael Buble Christmas CD.  It is so good.  Don got it for me.  Don got me an AWESOME camera because I lost my old one.  He also got me a Blu-ray player for upstairs and as he was setting it up, my old camera fell out, so now Don has a new camera….my old one.  Isn’t that funny?  I looked everywhere for that camera, but now I am sort of happy that I lost it because I love my new one!  I got a floor steamer, a clothes steamer, a coffee bean grinder, Logan got me a Georgia Tech shirt, a very girly one.  Lindsey got me a cross necklace and a dove necklace.  Don’s parents got me Shiseido softener, Estee Lauder self-tanner for face, exfoliator, and the awesome make-up kit for this year.  They got me a certificate for a facial, they got me some Banana Republic clothes.  OMG…..the dress…..ok, so this dress will have a blog entry of its own.  It is the cutest dress ever.  Ever.  They got me a griller machine that makes Panini’s and waffles and stuff.  Don’s brother got me Beaches, Titanic, As Good as it Gets, The Breakfast Club, Swingers, Dirty Dancing, Big Business, a pink Kindle case and light, I feel like there were more movies but I can’t think off the top of my head.  Basically, I got a lot of movies that I didn’t own and should I do!  My friend, Tiffany, got me this necklace that I thought was so special I had to take a picture:
There are 5 charms.  Peyton, Logan, Lindsey, Carson and Dylan. 
Isn't that so sweet?  She said that usually it looks like a basket, but I have too many
children,so she had to do strips.  Personally, I like it the way that it is.

And look at this.  FUNNIEST ever.  My mom had a magnet made for me that had me laughing for a few minutes.  Ok, the story is that my sister, Ash, and I called each other “Seeester”, for sister.  (Not when we were little, like when we were 20 and 22.)  Then we got sillier and more dramatic and started saying “Seeeaaaaster!”  You sort of have to hear us do it to fully understand.  Finally, our friend, Brian, came to Milwaukee with us and said “Why do you call each other Chester?”  It wasn’t what we were saying at all, but then THAT stuck.  Now we call each other “Chester”.  Here’s the magnet:
Chester's......Don't Get in their Way!
The day after Christmas I got up with Logan and Carson and drove to Birmingham to get Peyton.  Carson said "I wanna go to Burbaham," so I took him.  Burbaham.  So adorable.  On the way he'd say "Where we goin', Mama?  Git Paypen?"  I'd say yes and he'd say "My Paypen."  He is so funny.  On Christmas day he was listening to my Buble CD and he said "Mama, what's this song 'bout?"  I said "Santa."  Then the next song came on and he said "Mama, what's this song 'bout?  Jingle Bells?"  I said "Yes, it's called Jingle Bells!"  Dylan and Carson love music and listen to everything that the songs say.  No more Lil Wayne for me.  Just kidding. I wouldn't play that for them.
Still in his jammies.  We woke up at 6:30 and left pretty much immediately.
My Paypen!

When we got back into town, Peyton opened his presents and then we headed over to Don's parents' house for another Christmas. 
I will post pictures when I can.  I had to dedicate a lot of time to writing all of this down, kids, so I hope you appreciate it one day.  You're whining right now because you are having to play with the boys.

I really miss Dylan lately.  He is so into playing with his new toys and he's one of those kids that plays so well, you can begin to feel like you don't even get to see him! 

 Here's the Word of the Day:

fusty \FUHS-tee\, adjective:

1. Having a stale smell; moldy; musty.
2. Old-fashioned or out-of-date, as architecture, furnishings, or the like.
3. Stubbornly conservative or old-fashioned; fogyish.

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