Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hungry Eyes

I watched "Dirty Dancing" last night.  How can that movie NEVER get old?  I’ve seen it 200 times!   My sister was 5 and I was 7 when our dad took us to see it.  That’s right, my dad took my sister and me to see it in the theatre.  So funny, Dad.  Lacey and I dressed up and danced with brooms in the garage pretty much every day after we saw the movie.  We cranked our little pink tape players and hiked up long, adult-sized skirts around our chests to look like dresses.  It was the best.  We flipped the brooms over to look like our dance partner; I guess we told ourselves that they had spiky hair.  Good times.

Anyway, I clicked on “Special Features” and watched the music videos from the soundtrack.  One of the videos was for “Hungry Eyes”.  Wow.  This is one of the most horrible music videos, ever.  The actress, I don’t know if she’s tempting the guy with her chest or getting ready to eat a cheetah, but it’s pretty scary either way!  And I love how they make her play the saxophone.  Nothing sexier than a chick in 80’s whore clothes playing the sax!

interpolation \in-tur-puh-LEY-shuhn\, noun:

1. The act or process of introducing something additional or extraneous between other parts.
2. Something interpolated, as a passage introduced into a text.
3. Mathematics. A. The process of determining the value of a function between two points at which it has prescribed values. B. A similar process using more than two points at which the function has prescribed values. C. The process of approximating a given function by using its values at a discrete set of points.

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