Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Sign of the Fish

We had our first casualty in Lindsey’s fish tank.  Pluto passed on to greener pastures Friday morning.  Someone accidentally turned off the power strip, which powered the tank's heater.  Poor old Pluto must have frozen to death.

Lindsey came in and said “PLUTO’S DEAD!  Mommy!  He’s DEEEEEAAAADDDD!”  She was hysterically crying.  I went to check on the fish, and after a long stare into the water, yes, I could see that it was most definitely dead.  It sort of looked like it was swimming at first because the bubbles were forcing it to the bottom of the tank and then it would float back to the top.  I thought I saw a glimmer of hope in his little fish eye.  I said “Oh!  It’s not dead, Lulu, it’s swimming!  Look!  It’s just sick or something!”  Lindsey screamed “Mommy, no!  The vent is blowing it around!  Look!  Ohhhhh!  Pluto!”  I finally saw that she was right.  It was sort of gross, actually.  I felt bad for Lindsey and I told her that this sometimes happens with fish.  I told her that she will probably go through several fish, but I understood that she was sad.  I also told her not to turn off the power strip again, and of course, she says she didn’t do it. 

She cried as if Pluto were a person, but I kept my mouth shut—at first.  Finally, I said “Sweetie, remember, it wasn’t your grandpa or even your cat.  It was your fish.” Maybe I shouldn’t have said it, but seriously, thirty minutes later, I thought some perspective was greatly needed.  She was so upset! 

Trenton and Logan started teasing her at the breakfast table.  They were saying “Rest in peace, Pluto.  You were a good fish,” but they were smiling and saying it sarcastically.  I told them to stop, but Logan called her a drama queen and I had to send him to his room because Lindsey was screaming at him.  I just didn’t want to hear the fighting.

I took the kids to McDonald’s later on in the day and when we pulled in Logan said “Wow!  Look at the sign for the FISH sandwich!  That sign is huge for the FISH SANDWICH!  Wow!  Hey, Lindsey, they have FISH bites now!  Look, Lindsey, NOW SERVING FISH BITES!  It says it right there!”  Lindsey freaked out and screamed at him again.  I gave Logan the shut-up eye. Then Lindsey said “This is such a hard day for me.  First, I get in the car and Finding Nemo just happens to be the one movie in the car, and now the fish bites?  Why is this happening?  Why everywhere I look do I see fish?”  Trenton told her “it was a sign”, and laughed.

We are taking her to get a replacement fish this weekend, poor little thing.  Poor Lulu. 

Here's the Word of the Day:

bandy \BAN-dee\, verb:
1. To pass from one to another or back and forth; give and take.
2. To throw or strike to and fro or from side to side, as a ball in tennis.
3. To circulate freely.
1. (Of legs) having a bend or crook outward; bowed.
1. An early form of tennis.
2. Chiefly British. (Formerly) hockey or shinny.
3. Obsolete. A hockey or shinny stick.

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