Saturday, February 18, 2012

Anyone but Santorum!

I just saw a headline that said “Rick Santorum: Will Women Vote for Him?”  Um, HELL NO, I will not vote for him.  I would vote for RuPaul over Rick Santorum.  I would vote for Dennis Rodman, Nancy Grace, the little kid from Jerry Maguire over Santorum!  Anyone but Santorum!  Santorum is an idiot.  Ok, so he and his wife don't use birth control....fine.  Then keep your opinions there.

I’m sorry.  There are certain things that piss me off.  One of them is a man talking about women and their use of contraception.  We aren’t talking about abortion here; we are talking about preventing pregnancy.  Nothing has been fertilized, so it is entirely different.  He is such a fool.  He can practice anything he wants, just as long as he allows others to do the same. 

Hey, Rick, talk to me when you have two sets of twins naturally and your doctor tells you that every time you ovulate, you drop MULTIPLE eggs.  You’re a moron.  Seriously, how stupid are you?  Are you going to pay for all of these kids that no one can feed? Are you going to come down here to Atlanta and pick up a few extra jobs to help me and my husband support our 47 children that exist because you told us we shouldn’t use contraception?

You’re such an idiot, Rick Santorum.  This is an issue that personally offends me to the point that my blood boils. Until you have a sex change and can carry children, shut up.  You're a baboon's ass.

Here's the Word of the Day:

pachyderm \PAK-i-durm\, noun:
1. A person who is not sensitive to criticism, ridicule, etc.
2. Any of the thick-skinned, nonruminant ungulates, as the elephant, hippopotamus, and rhinoceros.
3. An elephant.

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